Sunday, October 7, 2018

Chief Judge Evans.

I know that this is not going anywhere, I know nothing will be done to the judge by anyone, I know that the GAL will not have any fallout for what he did as there is not that push there from the black community. I have been to all the well knows black leaders and nothing, they only lead when it is a news camera behind them. And the black press is a ghost. Black radio does will talk about this as unless Zion killed someone or is killed; without this fact, his story will make the news.
I am not in my 30’s as I have been saying that I was going to go post outside of ABC with a poster about this and just did not do it. As a man that is a fighter for young Black boys, it rips my heart that there is no push to save them.
It is a fact that we only care about things that we have no control over. I know that I have done all that I can, I have been to that court so many dam times to sit in that courtroom to have Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan only to tell me to leave.
I have emailed and faxed the Chief Judge and others over 100 times. You cannot go into any one of their offices, and they cannot tell you they do not know this case.
All three-justice know this case, the governor knows about this case, as I have done all that I can, and it still seems that I did not do enough. All I needed was one, and I did not get it this time around. The last time I was able to get over one hour on WVON to talk about this case as it was a conservation brother that gave me airtime.
You can google search the judge and gal, and this issue will come up under their name, I have made It clear to Democrat leaders what I feel about this Judge as time is running out to get her off the bench. I feel that she does not and should have never been in probate court dealing with young minors of color as she let her hate for me get in the way. Last week she would not hear my motion, and her reason for it was not in line with the laws.
She and the GAL are saying now, well we know this was not done right. However, Joyce has had Zion for about four months and why take him from her now. WTF, you took him from us after 12 years to place him into a hell hole. Zion life is not going to be the same as he has gone from a life of love to one of hell, we have young men out here killing because of black folks like Chief Judge Evans. Yes, he knows about this judge and how and what she has done to that courtroom and he has done nothing about her.
I hope that you all understand what probate court for minors is; as most if not all of them are poor young black and brown children who come from homes where there are or is an issue, and the court has to take them away, some by force and some just give them up. Well, Zion was by force. In the past 11 years before this time, there were trials and each time the court ruled that it was not in his best interest to give him back. This Judge had a hearing, and we were NOT there, and she gave him back based on two people that lied (one admitted that she did) and Joyce saying she had a job for five months and an Apt for 2.
Now, let’s be clear for a court even to give your case daylight you must show that for one year you have had a placed to live and work history. Anyone that knows her also knows that in the last one year she has lived in 8 different apts.
Zion was going into 7th grade STEM, and the Judge and GAL both said that was not the right path for him as he might make something out of his life. On May 31st the Judge made a speech about what a great young man he was and she said that even with all that we have done to make him into that young man she was going to take him away from us. I joke not, the people in the courtroom were in tears, and GAL David Gotzh was smiling as he did what he set out to do, make one of those gangbangers that he talked about, like the one that shot up the Walmart out there where he lives. As Brother Malcolm talk about those chicken will come home.
This case makes me sick as I have sat in Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan courtroom and she talks about the rules of laws, and in this case, she tosses those rules out the window and let her hate for me take over.
A Cook County Judge said from the bench that she did not care if a person was telling lies under oath as she does not like me. And she still sits on that bench; what up with that Chief Justice Evans? You did not investigate that as it was a FACT; there were over eight cook county deputy in that courtroom that you can ask.
Ask why Black people do not trust the Justice System, cases like this one is why. Question how many other Judges sitting on the bench have done the same? Ask why there are so many men of color lock up? Due to judges like Kennedy-Sullivan and GAL David Gotzh; they lie and hide the facts to set them up, both have told lies in this case and done some underhand things for what? TO make Zion into a little natural born Killer.

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