Monday, October 15, 2018

Lock Her Up!

We have a government back system that has one goal, and that is to destroy young black children, and it is deplorable when the parents help them. I was standing in courtroom 1806, and I told Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan that Joyce Washington son that she gave back to her was taking care of by another person for a link card.
The deal was that Jamella Buckner would go to court and speak about what a great mother Joyce is. I asked Jamella; how could she know this? She told me that she told the court that she had seen Joyce with Zion. The question I asked her when? She said during her visits with him. The FACT all Joyce visit was supervised at the movies; so how could she do this. Well, she admitted that she lied.
Now, why? She said for Link. Joyce was to give her the link that she got, and the problem is that Joyce drops off Zion, but did not drop off the link. I guess it was like how she told the court 11 years ago; we can have Zion as long as she gets to keep the money. So, when Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan tells me that she does not want to hear anything about link and Zion; question her what does she want?
The GAL in the case talks about how I should have found out about Joyce and the link before the court; it is not my job to do his investigation, it was not my job to find out that Joyce had people come to court and lie on her behalf. And to tell the truth what good would it had made, the Judge told us that she did not care if and who lied in this case as she does not like.
Now, this has been a system of lies and more lies and criminal activity on the part of a Cook County Judge and A GAL lawyer David Gotzh. They have not once but more conservation about this case as they were in lock-in line during the hearing on October 10th, 2018. I was asked after court did the judge work with the GAL before this case?
The setup, the Judge asked the Lawyer for my wife if he was ready for court and the hearing today, now he did not know what was about to come next. He said yes, well next the GAL said he wanted me to be bar from presenting anything as I had not done the paperwork to represent myself. Now, this was a set up as the lawyer asked the Judge to postpone the hearing so that I could, and she said no, I asked you were you ready.
This was just the start of what was to come; it seems that the judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan knew all that the GAL was going to say, so much that she did not let anyone else speak. The GAL, in this case, wrote when I asked him for discovering that it was not his job to be a lawyer, in this case, he is there to give a report. Well, he was Joyce Lawyer as he has been all this time.
I have NO respect for the Cook County court system as it is run like a joke. We want to look at the police for all the ills that go on in the city; I have been saying for some time that not the case. Judges like Susan Kennedy-Sullivan need to be investigated by the federal government as it seems that no one in the state of Illinois wants to do it.
I know that I am just one black man in a system that has been locking up a black man for years and my voice is nothing when it comes to the all-powerful Democrats’ party in the city. The Judge, in this case, was able to do what she did, for one reason, she knows that no one cares. She told me that she could and will do what she wants to do, in the laws or not, as she knows that in the cook country the life of young black children is not worth much.
I must go over the laws as I must draft a motion to stay and cite correct case law, I have lawyers from cook country and CVLS all fighting me as I am just one person without a law degree. This is a fight for the life of Zion as his grades have dropped and each day he is living in hell and as Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan said to us, WHO CARES! This case is about Mr. Muhammad.
She had to get the ok from Chief Judge Evans to do what she did as she did not care, she mocks the witness, she told us that service was not needed, she told me to mind my own business. The GAL said I should have done my investigation before now and for my motion to change judge, they said too late as that ship has sailed. Wow is all I can say; black males make up 5% of the total US population and over 90% of those locked up in Cook County Jail; I guess we know why.

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