Thursday, October 11, 2018

Slave Catcher

Let me say that as a man that prides himself on helping to bring up and push education to young boys of color what I had to go through in cook county probate courts was just another judicial lynching that was ok by a man who looks like me; however, he does not think like me. 
Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan needs to be removed from the bench, and David Gotzh needs to be disbarred and CVLS should not be working with any children of color. I stood in court with tape recording proof that Joyce Washington got Zion back to pawn him off on someone and the court told me that they did not want to hear it as it had nothing to do with the case. 
The primary person that came to court on behalf of the birth mother lied under oath, and the court did not care? I am not shocked as this is the same Judge that told me on July 25th that she did not bother that the birth mother was telling lies as she did not trust me. It was clear this Judge does not like me, and that was told to me back on February 21st, 2018. 
Now, I pointed out facts in this case and as I can see there are two rules of laws one black and one white. The judge said that since I knew about this case, my wife did not need to get service,  I did not get service I found out by looking at the case online that it was action going on. Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan said that notice could be just telling someone about a case.  Where is that law, as I cannot find it anywhere? 
I asked about notice to the birth father as he might have some rights; Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan told me, “why do I care, I am not the father.” She told my wife that if she can remove me from the picture that she thinks Joyce might let her help her with Zion. 
WHAT! Now, I do not have an issue with the Judge not liking me; I do not have an issue with this judge not caring for the black man in general; what I do have one with is that when she took he personal feeling and used them to destroy young children of color. 
The Judge lied many times in the case, and I find out that she can do this as she is a judge. The Gal lied, and he can do this as he is a lawyer; it seems that anyone can lie in court as long as the judge says it is ok. Now, I used to question how come there are so many men of color lock up in jails when they only make up 5%, and I found out. Just makes up lies to put them in jail and say that it was up to the judge; and no record to go off, just the Judge notes. 
We do not have a justice system in cook county courts, we have a pay to play system where you buy your way onto the bench and once you are there as long as you are locking up and hurting people of color you get to stay. Chief Judge Evans wants to put his head in the sand as he wants to stay Chief so if young black boys are destroyed he looks the other way. 
I am going to spend the weekend with my older boys at our Black School Homecoming this weekend, and when I get back, I will be taking the federal case that I file and file it on the state level. 
I am going to push the federal government to investigate how this judge got onto the bench. I want someone to look into how CVLS gets it money from cook county as they are paid to do what they do. This Judge did things from that bench that were wrong, and as the GAL in all of these cases they have sat by and said nothing as they do not want to bite the hand that feeds them. 
Please do not say to me that is what the courts do, and if I do not agree with them, I have a chain of command to go up.  Well, that chain is as only reliable as its weakest link, and that is cook county probate court, and it is fragile. 
I will have to do all the paperwork myself.  I must make sure it is done on the level of a law firm with a staff of 100.  As that is what I am going to be fighting as the Judge and CVLS told me this is not about what is best for Zion or the law, it is about a black man that dares to question how they run things.  
As a history teacher and man of color, I say this about slavery that many do not think about.  When a run-a-way slave would be caught and brought back to master land, it was not master going out to catch them.  They do not show this a lot; it was other slaves catching them. One might ask why a slave would go out and help to bring another slave back to the hell that they live? 
Well, it is the same reason that police of color, judges of color and anyone or color that knows someone is doing something to hurt others of color and they say nothing about it. It is better to be the Negro that is catching Slaves than be the Negro being caught. 
Think about that as you go out and help catch some more slave today. 

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