Wednesday, October 10, 2018

You are not a MAN!

Well, It is over as today in courtroom 1806 they had an old fashion Negro Lynching. It all started when David Gotzh; who calls himself the Road Lawyer( more like the racist lawyer; wanted to argue that I did not give him the address to my witness. Now his client Joyce is a member GD’s or she shops around what gang she wants to be. Now I did not want to put the lives of my witness on the line, and I made this clear to him and the people over at CVLS and what did they do come to court and lie. Like the lawyer said if it is about Zion let him the trial. You want to fight on if I dot my I; when Joyce did not even put the “I” down.
Now I am not a dumb man the Judge has an IQ about that of a grape when it comes to making a ruling as she does not do anything. The GAL told her that it was 90 degrees out today and she said ok. So. After that here comes the fact that wanted to say that I did not have standing. I lost standing when I had a lawyer come onto the case and quit. Now, I have not worked my head around that.
So, I could not put on a case. Let see jamella Buckner who is one of my cousins it seems goes to court and lies for Joyce as she is the one that has Zion and has been taking care of him. Now this is a fact, and she called me, and I recorded the call (IL is a one-person state). Now after she hangs up; her husband talks about her coming to court to lie; however, Joyce has the GAL David KKK Gotzh tell her that she does not have to come and tell the truth as he will take care of it.
Now, CVLS tells me that they do not care about this, they do not care about the fact that Joyce does not live where she said she does; because it was all about the Negro that dares to take care of a young black boy (how dare I do that). Now I was not shocked when Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan (who is they say a Democrat) tell me that she does not care, she did not care when Joyce lied on the stand. Her words to me were so what; she does not trust me.
Now, I want to ask this, is this why we have so many young men of color killing in the City of Chicago? They take children from families and give them to the street and as Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan tell them all, go out and get some link and public help. Why not, after all, she does not live in cook county, so her tax money does not pay it, and David gets to run back to Hobart where he wants those Negro from Gary to stop coming and destroying his nice white mall.
You see I told them all this and they wanted to ask me dumb questions. I am putting each and all democrat on notice that I am going to say this if you keep supporting those that hurt us we are going to remove you from office. Any women group that goes out and brings in a judge that does what this one does is a joke. Any lawyer of color that goes and does anything for group that cares more about hurting young black children needs to be run out of town.
These are 100% fact. I stood in a courtroom as they put Joyce up as a mother of the year while she was in the halls calling her aunt a ball head bitch; tells you about this judge, cvls and David Gotzh. They do not care about Zion and have not since the start. Stop giving people your money; there are 100k of the lawyer in the City, stop going to racist one that does not care about you.
You want to give your time and give back, do it with a group that is about helping and not hurting. I do not have to lie about what I said as I caught the judge in another lie; she wanted to say that she has ruled on one of my motion and I told her in the probate case no, she has not heard one of them; she wanted to say that I did not give her something and when I caught that lie; she was like well I did not feel real that.
Now, this is the Judge who sites in probate, and she tells you that she did not read the motion, ok what are you doing? You talk to people like they are nothing and you have those weak folks to dam chicken to speak up; well let me be clear on this. I am a black man in a racist ass city and world, I get up each day and put on my cloth like a man. You cannot do anything to me, as you have raped my women, killed my family and stole all that we had and knew, so I am already living in a world dead. I was born to die; the only things are that I do not know the date.
So, David, you might have turn Zion over to the street but let me tell you this; you are not a man to me, you are a punk. You stand that with that smile on your face as third right, you are nothing to me. You used a child as your dad (and namesake) killed one the same age, you are no better (public record). I have put your name out that for anyone that google you to see just who you are.
Joyce is a fuck up and it all in time that she is going to fuck up, that is her history in life. When she does she is going to talk and tell us why you were fighting for her so much, I say that it was more to that first meeting as you told me that when you and I met, we were going to meet man to man; well I was the only man there! And FYI I check your filing record you want to talk about lazy you are one of the laziest lawyers that I know.
100% Fact, the Judge wanted to say that I could not address the fact about if the dumb dumb that put his name to that birth record, as I am not the father. Well, shit who knows; as Joyce was on the street making that money; so she does not know who his dad is. But the GAL said he does not need one, after all, he just another little black boys whom grades have dropped since he was taking from us. And clear folks are just DUMB; Joyce told the court why and like a fool they were like ok; it is the reason that we need or black and brown

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