Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Mom have superior rights?

Does mom have superior rights? There is no law or case law that said that. However, sitting cook county judge and CVLS both kept saying this in court. I did not question them on this as I know this is not the law and it never surprises me that our court systems have black laws. This is one of them where the courts love to be removed or reduce the importance of the black man.
Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan stood in court and told Danielle that she could talk with Joyce and set something up to talk with Zion; however, I cannot as she has forbidden me from doing such. I asked about the fathers’ rights, and Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan told me that is none of my business. I cannot make this up. The Judge and CVLS conspire before court on 10/10/18 to decide how they were going to rule on this case.
It would seem that this would have been a case that they father rights lawyer would have wanted; yes for $25k he did.
We do not have a court system that is about laws and justices; we have one that is and will always be to remove and destroy the black family. I have stood in courtroom 1806 and had to deal with racism, sexism and religion prejudice, and when I address this with the black man that runs the court, nothing is done or said.
I have seen it all in this case, and most of it does not shock me, I did not think that we had a justice system that was fair, and I sure do not think that just because the person running, it looks like me anything is going to change. I see many talking about going out to vote, and I am one for that; however, I do not say vote but do it smartly.
We have too many in power that does nothing for us, I talk about how I have sent this case to many, and all those so-called leaders in the city know or should know about this case as I sent them something. My state rep knows about that case and right out lied to me about what they were going to do. I say vote them out.
I say VOTE no to anyone that is on the ballot as a Judge and make them earn your vote. The sad part is you all will not, like sheep you will vote a party and not a mindset. In cook county, 90% of those that were sitting in jail for something they did not do was put there by a Democrat in cook county. So, a party does not make a difference when it comes to race.
When a cook county democrat judge talks about how she does not care when someone lies in her court because she does not like the black man on the other side that is a problem. When a black man that is her boss does nothing about it, well that is cook county. The judge and CVLS let the racist run then, and it is funny when I pointed out to the head person at CVLS that Joyce mail was coming back saying that she did not live there #DavidGotzhfaceofkillinginchicago told her not to listen to me.
WHAT? Listen to me; I had the letter that was mailed back by the post office saying this. I had a video recording about the lies and the fraud to link and CVLS and judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan both said that has nothing to do with this case. As this was just about the lynching of yet another outspoken black man that dares to ask the question; as the judge wanted to say a smart ass negro.
I reached out to the black man that is running for AG, and his office told me that it was nothing they could do as they cannot give me legal advice. What? I did not ask for that; I asked him what he was going to do to stop what is going on in cook county. We have a system that is not right, and this Is something the Attorney General office needs to deal with. However, it is hard for them to deal with it when they are supported by them.
I know what I have to do, and I am doing the paperwork this week. Do I think that the federal government needs to come in and look at what goes on in cook county, yes I do. CVLS board members need to ask questions, but they will not as the money is too good for them to do such.
CVLS get paid from cook county to look the other way; they get paid to keep that grease on that wheel going. When someone comes in and ask questions, they are called a crazy black man and locked up.

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