Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Too Many Tears..

Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan I just watched the news, and the top 4 stories were about someone of color being killed or killing someone and I have a question for you is this the life that you talk about for Zion on February 21st, 2018 in courtroom 1806? I ask this because you and GAL David Gotzh (who is a racist) said to me that the life we had a map for Zion was not or might not be the life for him. 
Last school year Zion wrote his 10-year life map, and it was what he wanted to be doing by the time he turned 31, and it did not intel having to run or worry about being killed or killing someone. You stood in that courtroom and talked about what a great young man he was, you said WAS; just before you sentence him to a life of HELL. I bet you do not wish the same for the children in your family since you do not have any.
I have to be in your courtroom, but I do not have any respect for you, and you cannot hurt me anymore; you and David Gotzh and CVLS have done your worst to my family and me. You took a young black child, and mental lynch him, and you did this with the help of Chief Judge Evans. You see had you let someone sit in your child he would have removed you before the day was over but send a little black boy to grow up to be a killer; you get Judge of the month for that.
Oh, do not worry German background (funny as his last name is Jewish) GAL Gotzh you and I never got the chance to meet man to man, as I have told you; you have to be a man to meet me as one. I know there is something more to you and Joyce and very soon she will talk as that is her nature. You told so many lies in the court, and you do it so well, that must have been your major in school. You lied about going to see Zion on 78th and Essex, and that was funny as the dope boys on the block did not say anything about seeing you.
I can speak my mind, and I can blog about these facts as they are 100% truth; I can say what is on my mind as it is nothing she or he can do to me that they have not done already. Take Zion from the only family he knows to hurt me; you did that. Call me names, well, you did that, lock me up in Jail; well you did that, and I hope that time I was in there I reach one of those young brothers up in there, all I wanted to do was reach and teach one.
You cannot break me, I stand in your courtroom, and you Lie, you talk about how you cannot trust me, you, the GAL, and Joyce have been the only ones to come into 1806 and told lies. Like I said Joyce is crazy, so she does it for that reason, the GAL is a racist and he does it for that reason, I just do not know why you do it, would it be just that you hate me that much if you could you would have me tied and giving 50 lashers?
Cook County Courts are a Joke, for that Cook County is a joke, they send so many folks to Jail in this county due to the fact that so many of them do the dumbest crimes for no money. Judge Kennedy-Sullivan did not try to hide what she was doing; she did not try to make it seem like it was some gray there; you stood up in court and made it clear what you feel about me. I have taken names, and I am sure that I am not the only one that is not scared of you. FYI, I do not think I am some smart Negro; I am not just a dumb one!
Fact if Zion were not black he would not have been treated less than a dog, you all treat your dogs and cats better than you did a little black boy. I guess he was gator bait for you and the GAL. Oh I am so hot, I could be on fire as I am so sick of seeing this one the news black boy killed or killed, and this is and can be traced right back to a system that is in place to make black boys 21st century slaver with a lot of black over seekers; just like on master plantation. Now only LOCK HER UP! But the GAL also

Judicial Misconduct (LOCK HER UP)

I will never to stop, as this is going to come out one way. Let see on March 22nd, 2018 Joyce made a motion to vacate us as Zion guardian (that she never mailed out,  filed, or signed)  at that point Joyce had been living in an apt for two days (after being homeless); she had been working her job for 4 months, and Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan discharged my wife and me from a position that we have had for almost 12 years. She did this without having spoken or personal seen my life until July 25, 2018. The GAL, in this case, has not spoken to me since February 21st, 2018 in court; and have never talked to my wife and he did not and had not met her to this date. He did not know why she was until July 25th, 2018.
A fact in the history of Cook County Guardianship this has never; listen to me NEVER happen before in the history. Fact, before a judge, would even consider something like this the mother or father would have to come before the court with a year under their belt to show that they have a history of stability. So, the question that I have been asking why it happened this time and to this little boy; well, very easy ME.
During the February 21st hearing the Judge and Gal both said things in the courtroom there were disrespectful, and (he is a racist) and she made a remark about what was better for Zion, and it was not going to school to get an education. I had no choice but to report them both. I did something that many have wanted to do. However, they have not. This Judge has been sitting on this bench for about two years I will say, and, in that time, she has proven that she knows nothing about Probate for minors. 
I spoke up, and I reported her to the Judicial Board and him to ARDC. Now, he has lied so many ways that I do not think he knows and the Judge has just crossed the line, and this is why I took this case to the FEDs. You see Joyce does not like jail (as not too many do) so when she has to tell her story and produce copies her phone bill, it will come out that he has been coaching her and giving her legal advice (which he can be disbarred for). Now, I am 100% sure that he and the Judge have conspired with each other as I am sure they are getting their stories down now.
I have been and saw a lot of criminals in my life and what makes these two different is that they are cocky. When the Judge said to me in a courtroom full of Cook County Police that she can do what she wants because she is a Judge that was her telling me she is the boss of me. That was her saying to me that she does not answer to anyone, not the people of the county and sure not to some puppet of a chief that most likely she did vote for anyway.
She did not get that seat for life.  She has to each year come before the people (they do not) and ask for another term and in 2020 that is her time as let keep it 100 she would have had to kill me in court for the Judicial Board to remove her from the bench; the most that she will get from them is a slap on the hand. No, it is the Feds that have to bring her down as she is dirty, I looked and kept asking how; how did she go from the basement traffic court up to the penthouse probate?
I have been looking into the laws as I kept telling the Cook County board that I want my money back; I want my $12k that I had to pay, I want my year back, I want help for my Son, and more I want my Son back. They should have done what was right and let the case go the way it was going, but Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan told me that she did not want us to adopt and she did all that she needed to do to make sure we did not.
What is the difference from her and any other person that lies or does a crime, nothing, she should not be given a golden ticket because she is a Judge, she is still like anyone that gets locked up in the County Jail. She stood under the Seal of Illinois and said that she knows Joyce was telling a Lie and she does not care, as she does not like or trust me. LOCK HER UP!

Monday, July 30, 2018

right under 42 U.S. Code.

To Whom it may Concern:

On July 25th, 2018 in Courtroom 1806 before Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan- 2051 and Attorney David Gotzh 46652 I had enough. My name is Mahdee Muhammad.  I have officially filed Federal Complaint on both. Since February 2018, they have gone out of their way to make my family life a living hell.  I will outline what they both have done inside of courtroom 1806 at the Daley Center courthouse (I will start with the Judge Frist). Now it is a fact that there are more than enough witnesses to their actions and some parties have decided to look the other way (I have everyone name). Since it seems like the Cook County Chief Judge could not help, and I got no help from anyone as to them Zion was and is just another little black boy.  I want to give notice that on Monday, July 30th, 2018 at  Federal Building for the Northern District of Illinois Eastern Division and filing a Complaint for Violation of my Constitutional right under 42 U.S. Code.

1.    Judge Kennedy-Sullivan has violated my First, Firth, Eight, Ninth and Fourteenth Amendment rights under the federal Constitution.
2.    Judge Kennedy-Sullivan locked me up in Jail for no reason and based it on civil contempt
3.    Judge Kennedy-Sullivan had a Cook County Sheriffs police take my phone and check it in open court 
4.    Judge Kennedy-Sullivan knowing and willing condone perjury in court; she knows that Joyce Washington was telling a lie to get an Order of Protecting and she told me that “she does not care, as she does not trust me.”
5.    Judge Kennedy-Sullivan refuse to remover herself from the probate case where she has time after time displayed bias
6.    Judge Kennedy-Sullivan has accepted paperwork that was not properly filed or stamp into a case and added it to the file of record
7.    Judge Kennedy-Sullivan force my lawyer with jail time to break lawyer-client privilege
8.    Judge Kennedy-Sullivan has admitted that she is not and cannot be a fair Justice in a case and then issues an emergency Order of Protection on me with no nothing before her to give one.
9.    Judge Kennedy-Sullivan has admitted that she does not care for Mr. Muhammad because he thinks he is so smart and this is solo base on the fact that Mr. Muhmmad is an African-American male.
10.    Judge Kennedy-Sullivan admitted in open court that the Co-Guarding has never been served for before in the court until now after she still illegal dismisses her as the Co-Guarding
11.    Judge Kennedy-Sullivan has put the life and well-being of a minor in harm, and this was done for only one reason to seek revenge on Mr. Muhammad 

ALL these issues and more are before the Illinois Appeals court; and now they are in the hand of a Federal Court, as that seems the only place where Mr. Muhammad can get Justice. The Cook County Courts system had covered up the actions of Judge Kennedy-Sullivan and would not remove her from this case when these issues were brought to them.

Each of these issues have a state and federal law that goes with them, and it was on July 25th, 2018 that the question was answered (there were 5 Cook County police in that court that can testify to this) I ask the Judge how she can do this, and she told me “I am the JUDGE”!  I can do what I want. When A Judge plays God from the Bench, he/she does not and should not stay there.

Rule 61: Canon 1. A Judge Should Uphold the Integrity and Independence of the Judiciary
Rule 62: Canon 2. A Judge Should Avoid Impropriety and the Appearance of Impropriety in All of the Judge's Activities
Rule 63: Canon 3. A Should Perform the Duties of Judicial Office Impartially and Diligently

I Just spent 3 hours going up and down trying to get someone to hear my motion to remove her from that Order of Protection that she put on me on July 25, 2018. CVLS gave the GAL an award for what he has done; I guess it he got Zion killed they would give him a car to go with.

We do have laws and like it, or we are told that we have a Justice System. However, as a man of color, I find it many times that it is Just Us! 

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Link Child!

JUDGE PATTY (AKA Judge Susan Kennedy Sullivan) said to me about seven times you think you are a Smart. Now she did not say the last word. However, I live in American and race always the root to all that is wrong, and it makes me think each time she would say that was it going thought her mind; “You think you are a Smart N-Word.”
Now in the history of probate, this has never, now let me clear NEVER happen. Two guardians were discharged because the birth mom had established an Apt for two months and a job for six. Joyce did not come in there with any type of history that she had quantified for anything. Let say that if she had done all her paperwork and did all that she was asked to do, no Judge or Gal would have taken a child from a family that he has lived with for the past 12 years like it was done in this case.
This is adopted a pet weekend; Zion left without his dog that he had (he had one that would not affect his health issues); he left without any of his meds; cloths, games books, or even saying goodbye to the only man that he knows as dad. It was like during the middle of the night, Master came in and took him and sold him off. On June 25th the GAL and Judge both said that he should not talk with any one of us, due to the fact that we ask, or he tells us what is going on where he is living. The Judge talks about how big she is on getting the black and brown children some type of help; not for Zion, she does not want him to talk with anyone, why you ask, think about it.
The woman wants to cover up what she did in courtroom 1806, and the GAL is doing it, and CVLS has played dumb. They gave him an award for what he did in this case and painted me as they always do, the Angry Crazy Black Man! They say all I do is the blog, email and fax about this; what should I be doing? As a father, do they think that I was going to walk away and put my tail between my legs and go away and let the streets have my son? And this is personal to the Judge, she might not have any Children, but Yes, he is MY SON!
That is one of the craziest things this lady has said; He is not your Son. As a judge that sits on the bench in Cook County Probate Court what in the world does she want these guarding to think of these children that they have to take care of? Let get this 100% correct Zion did not come with some DCF check; he did not come with anything but love. So now he is going to be a Link child, a public aid child, he is going to be just like so many that are taking care of by the taxpayer in this State. This was done by a Judge that is a Democrat; once more going to the saying making sure he grows up to Vote Democrat as he will depend on them for survival.
Someone ask me what do I ask for, well that is easy, on the news I hear all these stories about mistreatment to pets, however about doing a story about the abuse of children by a Cook County Judge; AkA “Wild Care”; AkA Judge Patty.


Saturday, July 28, 2018

Lock Them Up.

JUDGE PATTY (AKA Judge Susan Kennedy Sullivan) each time talks about how mother and father have superior rights in her courtroom. She said that all the time; however, two facts; number one the father of record. Yes, there is a man who is African American name Jay Williams that would be 33-35 years in age listed on Zion birth record. He has only been giving notice in the 12-year case history, and that was back in 2007 when I paid to give him notice. In our adoption case, I have been looking for him to give him notice and I had to spend about $300 to do that.
I have not been able to find him, and if anyone knows someone that fits this, please give him my information. Now the GAL David Gotzh said that Zion was a produce of Rape! That is 100% a lie, that man did not meet Joyce until she was about seven months with Zion. Fact, when she was two months or less my family, came to me and asked me would I give my cousins money to termite the baby she had as she did not want him and was drinking and getting high while she was carrying Zion. Now in 2006, it would have cost about $300, and I told him HELL NO!
Fact Joyce was in a Catholic Hospital for Mental issues, and she wanted them to give her an abortion when they told her she was carrying a child. Now, I cannot make this stuff up as these are FACTS. Joyce hit someone in her car, and the GAL said that the damage to her car was there when she got it. He was do busy doing checks on me that he did nothing to check out anything she told him, nothing. She is in court right now being sued for that case (I spoke with the law firm on the case). It just kills me that race has come into this case and it was not by me.

From day one, the very first called with David Gotzh that he told me his background and the funny part is that yes, he is German and still has family there; but Gotzh is a Jewish name if I am correct, and he wants to be a racist. I would not care if he or the Judge was blue, all I cared about was Zion. So, when the Judge talks about father rights; on December 11, 2017, she told Joyce that she had to give notice to the father and Joyce said she does not know where or who he is. These are 100% Facts; now back to parents rights, the laws are as I keep saying yes parents have rights, as long as those right do not hurt the child. 
The State of Ill is the Best Interest of the Child State. Zion was not only removed from the school he has gone to for seven years; he was removed going into 7th grade STEM; anyone that knows education understands that 7-8th grade is the years that set a student’s high school life. He goes from a top school to one that has a ‘0” rating.  Dam I am sorry as this make me so MAD! They did not give a hell about Zion and what was Best for him. The Gal talk about how Zion told him who his best friend was since he was a child, and he cannot play with them anymore. 


Babies Shot in the Chi!

This was something I read this morning as I look at the news and read the story about the children that are Zion age that was shot in the City of Chicago. Many say to me you cannot fight a Judge, you need to stop, this is going to cost you a lot of money (yes, we are going into $14.000) Due to what the Judge and GAL did. I have been going over and over in my mind Why? And the answer is clear because they can; well, not anymore, I have put my life on hold this year fighting for my son, as that is what a father should do and I have been doing it solo with support from Danny and the children and very few friends.

When you finally climb out of the wreckage, assuming you do, you will be much wiser and stronger in many ways.  You will be well equipped to help others in the same situation.  Some of the valuable advice I received during this 10+ year crisis is:
Choose your battles carefully.
Get treatment...FAST.
Don't be afraid to take medications whether for the body or the mind.
Don't be afraid to acknowledge your problems may have started with, or evolved into, what is classified today as a mental problem or problems.
Stop expecting people to be as outraged as you are.
Try to find meaning, purpose or projects that don't involve the fight.
Find SOME way to relax and enjoy yourself.
Consider spiritual based assistance, solutions or activities.
Ask for help!  You probably need something you don't think or know you need.
Remember - ALL WARS END!
Your friends and family have left, not because they are necessarily bad, but because you have become too much of a weight for them to carry.
For God's sake, do some exercise to help you unwind!
I never received justice in any substantive way.  Oh, there was a thing here or there that gave me small smidgens of justice.  But some points need to be made here:
Part of my recovery was accepting I would not see the justice I expected and deserved according to our Constitution.
Part of my recovery was realizing that this country has, in many ways, written off our Constitution and rights of redress.
Part of my recovery was accepting that corrupt, lying, thieving, completely callous people remain in positions of power without correction.
Part of my recovery was realizing that my wrongdoers would absolutely dread having to litigate anything with me again because I gave them a serious run for their money.
Part of my recovery was realizing I cost my wrongdoers a LOT of money - much more than they thought they would ever spend given the fight I gave them.
Part of my recovery is knowing that hundreds of people a day are using this site for various reasons and are helped or informed by it.
Part of my recovery was deciding I was going to find a way to live and achieve some degree of enjoyment out of life despite my knowledge of the unbelievable corruption of the American system that I have knowledge of.
Part of my recovery was accepting I can be legally right and be rejected by a corrupt system.  We are no longer a country of laws, we are a country where laws are "creatively interpreted".
Part of my recovery was realizing that ALL OF US tend towards abuse of power when we get it.  The one most likely to abuse power is the one who thinks they are above doing so.  It takes a short time to learn to exercise power, but a lifetime to learn how to avoid abusing it.  That is true for YOU, ME and ALL current abusers of power.  If you don't fully comprehend that, you will go from being abused to being an abuser.
A large part of my recovery was, and sometimes still is, bleeding.  Bleeding mentally and emotionally and recovering physically...and I might add slowly.  Some call it bleeding, others venting, processing, dealing with things or coming to terms with things.  Whatever you call it, it will take time.
A word of advice for those affected and infected by legal abuses:  During the usually lengthy litigation process, we tend to meet and perhaps befriend a lot of angry people on some level.  Many turns into conspiracy buffs or people that are ANTI this and that thinking they have the system, conspiracies or 'the plan' all figured out.  For many, this becomes feeding on their anger in a negative way instead of recovering from it.  Consider other friends.  There comes a time when you need to climb out of the foxhole and be around people that aren't at war.
Do people still find justice in our system?  Sure, it happens.  More than not your only 'justice' will be the fact you can cost your wrongdoer a fortune in time and money spent fighting you, especially if you are Pro Se.  Public embarrassment and exposure also affect wrongdoers.  Many times, the system won't let you win, but you can still fight.  If enough people fought, wrongs would still be righted even with a system as corrupted as ours.  Wrongdoers would stop committing wrong only because of the repeated cost of litigation, public exposure, and embarrassment.  Also, don't forget there are other, civil, legal and lawful ways to go after wrongdoers via various forms of protests.
I am NOT suggesting we resign ourselves to a country not governed by the Constitution the way it is supposed to be.  I am saying:
You Must Recover For Your Sake And The Sake Of Your Loved Ones
And NOT for that reason only.  You must recover because there is not enough people that know what is really going on.  Not enough people know how corrupt the system has become."


Friday, July 27, 2018

I am 100% a Black Man

I am 100% a Black Man, and I am sorry that for many that put fear into them.  I am sorry that is just who I am. I am sorry that I do not walk around with my Azz out. I am sorry that I know how to match my ties with my suit (and look good doing it). I am sorry that I look at a man in his face.  I am sorry that I take care of my children. I do not beat their mom or women. To tell the truth No, I am not sorry. That Judge and yes, I say her name as she is not a GOD; those people down in 1806 might fear her and treat her like she is a God; she is just a Judge that was elected by the people and if enough of us vote she can be just like you and me.
She does not; I can say that with 100% she does not need to be sitting on anyone bench as she has taken this case and destroyed it. The GAL is a Racist; fact; when a man talks about young black boys and calls them “WANT TO BE GANG BANGER” he does not know those young men. How does he know anything about them? He does that because he is like many they see three black boys they are gangbangers, see 3 White ones, they are on their way to church.
That Judge Patty is a joke to the Judicial system, she stood on the bench under the seal and right out LIED! I can prove it without a doubt that she did, and you know what she said to me about that fact; she is the Judge. She is no better than Joyce, Joyce lies and that her nature; so, what do your aspect. When a person who was elected by the people does it, we have a problem.
I keep saying to people Trump cannot touch your day to day life, but these Judge can, and they will. I should have over 10k of you putting your name down to get her on the recalled this fall, but you all do not care. To you what she does might not affect you; that is until some young man put that gun into your face or comes into your house and take what you have.
Today a brother asks me what he can do to help, and I told him to call; call the Chief Judge; call CVLS, call your State Sen. (trust me they know me, all you have to say is Muhammad and the probate case). Call the Mayor, call anyone of the Cook County board members; they all know me or know about this case as I have been out here making sure they do.
They are trying to hit me in my pocket as the GAL and Judge do these dumb things in court to run our bill up as they think that is going to make me go away.  Sorry trick is for Children; I have a sold case that comes down to simple law, was the paperwork done correctly to start with, 2nd when the laws say that all other civil cases stop when an adoption starts, why did the Probate Judge tell me that she does not care.
This is not about the right or wrong it is has been a JUDICALY LYNCHING!  The Judge is trying to lynch me in the court, and she is doing it to treat me a lesson. Let me put it this way; this case comes down to the fact that I hit her with a Judicial complaint back in March and she has gone out of her way to make it seem like she was right and if I give up she thinks that put her in the clear. Well, I have each and every doc that was filed in this case, and I know what was not. I know that Joyce has not filed anything right, she takes it to the judge.
I know that Joyce has been reading my blog, I know that the GAL also has and for that the Judge might be reading it also. So, for all three you will have to Kill me for me to let you destroy My SON. I gave Zion my Word and MY Word is Bond that I Would get him Back home. This is so dumb as in one month he will be 12 and at that point, he can do what he wants.


Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan-2051, is JUDGE PATTY!
To Whom it may concern I have written to the Chief Judge, the Presiding Judge about the behavior of Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan. She has taken her behavior to the next level. She said from the bench that our case is one that she thinks about every night; that was an LIE! She only said that due to the fact that we had hired a court reporter for that day. She is either suffering from Altizer or she is telling a lot of lies; as soon as it was no court reported she knew Joyce was telling a lie and she said she did not care.
Joyce told a lie that is so easy to prove; her and the GAL both said that she did not get a copy of my OP response, now I had to drive back up to the Harrison courthouse and speak with the Judge there who recalls this case very well. How in hell would that GAL who is also a lawyer just right out and Lie about something that is so easy to prove? The response was like a book; the Judge made Joyce a copy of it, Joyce told her that she talks to the GAL these are Lies that are easy, and they just go into the lies told in this case
This case does not keep Judge Kennedy-Sullivan up at all, as to her she does not give a dam about Zion, and that was clear when she took him from us. She hates the fact that I am not some dumb negro; the Judge said from the bench that “I think I am so smart, and I know the law.” Why does that make me so smart? Because I can read, does she know that since slavery ended it was ok for Black people to read; as we were able to read before that.
Does the Judge know that all the laws we have come about because people that look like me came up with them? Judge Kennedy-Sullivan said she does not trust me as she was about to have me locked up for the 2nd time. I fear for my life in her courtroom and I am up at night, due to her actions she JUDGE PATTY! She called for more deputy each time I am there, I am standing there in suites that cost a nice amount of money, and she has that much a fear that she packs the courtroom with deputies.
I am not joking there is about 4 or 5 and a White shirt (that is someone with rank). In my 50 years on this earth, I have seen it all.  I have been called Nigga by a Judge before, I have had white folks spit at me, but what I am seeing going on now in courtroom 1806 is just one for the books. And many ask me over and over how? Well, Judge Patty said it best, she is the Judge she can do what she wants. She can lock me up and not give me a day to get out, and it is nothing anyone can or will do, as I am just another black man to them.
Chief Judge Evans does nothing, the Presiding Judge does nothing, I have reported her, and no one will do anything until this case is over, or she gets me shot in her courtroom.  I fear that one day she might get a deputy in there that does not know what she is doing, and it will cost me my life.  Now she is the one that can get into that courthouse with a gun and take my life; she can take my life by sending me to the county lockup (as she did); there are so many ways that she can hurt me, and she has done them all. But she packs her courtroom with deputies.
I do not know what I can do as I have done it all and to this point, all I get is nothing can be done until this is over, well I am going to have my life taking or Zion might lose his life. I guess it goes to what I always have been saying what the life of a BLACK CHILD WORTH is? 
We see on the news each night the life of a Black Man is worthiness to society. 

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

July 25, 1941

What is there to say; what more can I say that has not been said already? Judge Susan Kennedy Sullivan told  me today that she can do what she wants because she is the “JUDGE” (GOD)! And she is 100% correct as there are no checks and balance in cook county courts. Judge Kennedy-Sullivan is like Trump; the Judge could lock me up for not looking at her and it not one thing that will be done (oh my bag she did that) She could stand on that bench and denied me all my civil right, and nothing be done; oh my bag she did that also.  
I was told report her to the board, a motion to change Judge, go to the presiding Judge; I have done all that I was told and what did it get me? Well, today I got some more of the same, the Judge told me that she would take the word from someone that lies over my facts.  I showed Judge Kennedy-Sullivan that Joyce lied as I have a copy of the court reporter and the Judge told me who cares.
I ask for little, and I was told by the Judge and GAL, NO. I ask for the OP case to have a court reported I was told by the Judge and GAL pay for it myself. Now, the GAL who is on this case due to the fact that CVLS knows that he is biased, and they hate me more than they care about Zion. That is the crazy thing as today is the day that Emmitt Till was born,  and today in Courtroom 1806 at the Dally Center, another 12-year-old boy was LYNCH; this time by an injustice system. 
When a Judge lies on the Bench what is done? Nothing! Lie after lie I must stand there, and say anything. I  point the lies out and get oh; too bad; she is the Judge and does not care. So, I ask this with all due respect what does this Judge have to do? Pull out a gun in court and shot me? Well, she will do that if she had one.  After court, Danny said to me, that Judge does not like you and her and the GAL both hate the fact that you think you are smart. 
Yes, the Judge told me that I think I am smart and know the law, How in Hell can I get a fair anything? How in the hell did we get to this point where it has cost us so much, and we have nothing to show for me. I can give you my word as I know my son and I have been in enough school to know that on 78th over east, Zion is going to get beat down at that school, he will be dumb down to the point that all that we have done in these 12 years were for not. 
The funny part is no one, but his Mom, Brother’s, Sister and me (dad) cares.  It is to the point that it makes us not sleep, it has made us put our lives on hold as we are fighting for our son. I am fighting to keep him from putting a gun in your face as he has to makes it on his own. I ask you all to call CVLS, and your all do not, I ask you to sign the petition to remove the Judge, and you all do not, I ask for only a little and get nothing. However, we want to talk about the crime in the street. 
I have got to the point where I do not care, I do not care when I hear on the news that some young black boy has killed someone, car jack them; and you know why I do not care? Well, we only want to get upset when it gets to that point, we do nothing before it gets there. THE GAL and Judge Kenndy- Sullivan better understands that I do not care about going to Jail, shit I live in American; I am in a jail in my skin. 
I am going to get up and hit these streets; I am going to pass out as many flyers as I can, I am going to send as many emails, faxes as I can. I know at this point it is no chance in HELL we are going to get Zion back with this Judge on the bench as she hates me, I will go out there and say it, I bet she sit there and look at me and think this smart-ass N word I am going to show him. I know the GAL does. I have to prove each, and all that I produce in court and no one else does. 
The GAL today pull something out oh the Sky to add himself onto that OP case; WTF? Joyce did not say one word, it was her OP, and she did not say anything. The GAL did all the talking, and it kills me when a strong black man speaks up, he is an angry N-Word; or a Smart N-Word and after that, he is a DEAD N-Word!  Well, I was killed today also with Zion in courtroom 1806. 

Sunday, July 22, 2018

(735 ILCS 5/2-101)

Ok, my head hurts as I sit up and have this talk over and over about what is this case about; so let me a non-lawyer break it down to you. 735 ILCS 5/2-101 is the CIVIL code of procedure for the State of Illinois. Now, you want to sue someone, you want to put someone out of your house, or you want to do anything in the courts of Cook County you have to do these steps first in any case that is under the civil codes.
You have to first (735 ILCS 5/2-101) make sure that you file a case in the right court and county, town or city... So, this case was in the Cook County Probate Courts that is located at the daily center in Chicago Il. Ok, Joyce got that part right, and that was the only part she got right!
Next, you have to do (735 ILCS 5/2-201) that is processed, you have to go to the clerk office and do the paperwork to bring an issue before the courts. You cannot just walk into a courtroom and say I am here. You have to file something, and you have to do this most critical part sign your name to what you are filing is not a lie or made up a story. FACT JOYCE Did not sign her paperwork; she did not date her paperwork. How did the clerk accept this; easy Joyce has played Johns for so long, she plays the victim. She tells people how Danny and I took her child, and we are worse people, and she is just a poor Black Female. So, they do not look at her paperwork.
Ok after your file your paperwork you must try, attempt to do something to get what they love to call service. (735 ILCS 5/2-202) Tells you what you must do. Now what you can do, or might do MUST do! So what does Joyce do, she does nothing, she does not send out anything. A FACT I found out that she was in court online. I was sitting on a couch talking to someone about going before the Gov of IL on my behalf, and I saw online that there was a court date in the case set for December 11th, 2018.
A fact I was to be in African, and it was an excellent chance I was not even going to be in the USA.. Now, I go on that date to find out what in the heck was going on and at that date, Judge Kennedy-Sullivan tells Joyce that she has to get service on all parties. Joyce tells her that she does not know how to reach the father, and others and the Judge tells her that she needs to find a way.
So what does Joyce do? Nothing, she does nothing, and this case keeps going on and on and on up to next the Judge has appointed a GAL in a case that should not have gone past step 1 doing paperwork.
Next, in February I get a call from GAL David Gotzh, and he and I talk on the phone about this case, and he is telling me how he does not know what Joyce is asking for, and to sum it up he does not care. He does not want to read anything; he wants this case to end. That easy a Motion to Dismiss will do that; Let me think I did one, and the Judge did nothing to it; she tables it.
Next, the GAL tells me one of the most racist things a non-black person can say to me and tops it off by telling me he is German; ok Why do I care? I guess to tell me what? So that call ends by him saying he and I will meet MAN TO MAN!
Next thing I know we have orders in place, we have hearing set, we have me being lock up by the Judge, and we have our son taking from us. And now almost $12k into this case or life is upside down. The mental abuse Zion has to deal with, what we have to deal with all started off because at step 2 service the Judge did not do what the laws tell her to do, Dismiss the case for lack of service.
The GAL has been a lawyer for nine years; the Judge has been a Judge for eight years, and both to them should know (735 ILCS 5/2-101) in there sleep; but what do they do, motion after motion to get my Appeals case toss out, motion after motion to have me lock up. This Judge has called me everything, she had spoken with the Judge in our adoption case.
Oh that right on January 19th, 2018 we file for an Adoption, we mail out service I used a special process server to give notice, we post, we did the Sheffer. We did all that we are required to do under (735 ILCS 5/2-101) and what happened last week the GAL in the adopt case did a motion to dismiss our adoptions due to what happened in the probate case.
What I say is 100% FACT, and No one cares; now up or down I am and will take this case all the way to the Illinois Supreme Court as (735 ILCS 5/2-101) is the LAW! Now, if this stand lets me tell you what, someone goes to court and does anything and do not get or attempt to get service and win and it is nothing you can do about it. That is why this case is so important. Now, I hope you understand.
In the Judge years on the Bench, how many other times has she done this? How many other times has she let a case go forward when there was no service, how many children has she discharge? Fact is if I was dumb to the laws or just back down, or did not love Zion as if he was from my seed; this would be one that we know.

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Case Law

I want to make this as clear as I can, I am sorry that I can read; I am sorry that I do not come into a courtroom uneducated to the laws; I have been going into courtrooms having to do my own paperwork for over 19 years. So, I do not come in there playing like I am a lawyer as one judge just told me, I come in there with an understating of what my rights are.
I am working on my Thesis for my Ph.D., and I can be the first to say that I hate to spell, and I also hate going over what I have written and checking it for grammar issue or spelling issues. So, if you can only pick out the fact that I did not add an “s” or left a,“” out of place than you are the issue.
Let me say this on December 11th, 2017 Joyce file a motion to discharge us as the Legal Guarding of Zion, and she based this on the fact that? Yes, it was no reason for her asking for the court to do this. The second issue was that she never sent a copy of anything out. Not motion, letter, SOS anything now under 735 ILCS 5/2-201) she was required to do such. Now, I address this with Judge Kennedy who has been on the bench long enough that she should know this. However, what did she tell me when I did three motions to dismiss (she decided who get service).
Next, on February 21st, 2018 after making one of the racist remarks to me and giving a copy of his GAL report to the Judge, and birth mother GAL David G. did not send me anything. He emails me a link that did not work, and to tell me after the fact that he knew it did not work was a clear violation. So once more I did what I could I adders this issue and others with the court, and I was shut down.
On February 26th, 2018 I tried to get a fee waiver as the Judge had put in an order saying that I could not file any motion in this case. Now once more the case laws for this is a block long. However, the Judge left the bench and talked to Judge Kennedy and came back and told me that she told him not to let me file or get anything. Wow, there goes that little thing called my rights out the window.
Next on March 22nd, 2018 Joyce did another motion to discharge of a legal guarding, and I will bet the house that the GAL told her to do this to get my appellant case to dismiss; why I say that; well right after she did he file a motion in the appeals court. I look at the court record at the dates and times. Let me once more address her motion and 735 ILCS 5/2-201 once more. Joyce did not serve my wife (co-guarding) or the birth father o me. This is wild as the case law for this is so small, as it just does not happen. Most if not all Judges know that you do not go forward on a case that has no service (People v. Ralph L. (In re Haley D.), 959 N.E.2d 1108, 2011 Ill. LEXIS 1838, 2011 IL 110886, 355 Ill. Dec. 375)
This time she took it to the next step, Joyce, the GAL and the Judge all knew about her filing and how did I find out? Well, I told you about how the Gal wanted to get my appeal case toss, well, that is how I found out he wrote it in his motion that she did.
So, let’s fast forward to May 9th, 2018 in the Adoption court and the Judge told me that it was an order in place from the probate case. The Judge, GAL, and Joyce were in court on May 7th, 2018 talking about the case and doing this without having service on anyone. Now I do know that there was Two orders issue, and the Judge did not void the first one out (do not worry this was not her first and I am sure it is not her last).
On May 14th, 2018 when I was in court I ask the Judge to give me a copy of each and everything that was file in this case; I ask her to give me time to get a lawyer, I ask her to have a court reporter in the court for the hearing on the May 18th, 2018. I told her that my son was graduating from High school on the 19th of May and she told me “I needed to plan better.” She told me “she can have a court reported on that date, however; for me, she is not!”
I came back on May 16th and waited 3 hours in her courtroom, and she refused to hear my emergency motion and told me to leave her courtroom (she later said I could stay, she just was not going to hear my motion).
Now let me end on this note; on May 30 the Judge had me lock up for Civil contempt of court as she said I violated 3 of her orders (funny part is that I had never been giving a copy of them to violated and do you recalled all that I ask for on the 14th, and she told me NO…. Kaeding v. Collins 281 Ill. App. 3d 919, 668 N.E.2d 572, 1996 Ill. App. LEXIS 376, 218 Ill. Dec. 88). So, on May 31st my wife and son came to court to get me out of jail, as he wanted to talk to the Judge. On this day I died.


So, do not Talk to me about Child Abuse at the Border, We have Child Abuse in ROOM 1806!


I just got so High that my head hurts; I feel like I am floating on a cloud and about to die. I was on JSU web page taking care of the last part of my son paperwork to make sure his funding is set up, and I have a payment plan in place to pay for his school. I love all four of my children, but this one right here was my work in progress. The schools counted him out, and it was me that fought like the China dad I am, I wrote letters, I came with it, and I let them know they were not going to have my son. I refuse to let him get caught up in the system that we call special ed.
They place young black boys in at just as a higher rate as they lock them up. The fear is real, and many do not like the fact that fight for young black men, as I know they are the pathway to my success. I need them to do better and be better, as we are not doing that. My little brother can tell you that I did all I could to help him, I gave the funds when needed, I pull all the strings I could, and it was just not in him.
He can never say that he did not have help, he might not have had the mom and dad to help him, but he had an older brother that had his back up to that point where he showed me that it was not in him, so I stop. With my boys, I do not stop; I give my last breath to make sure they do not end up in anyone handcuffs.  I am going to cry when I drop my son off at school; as I know the work, he put into getting there.
I made him take that ACT text over and over as I told him I know you can do it, I know you have it in you, and I did not pray about it; as prayer without work does nothing. I just knew his fabric. As parents, we all know what our children can be and what they will do. So, when I talk about Zion, I know him better than anyone else, so when I told Joyce he is going to hate her for life; the courts wanted to say that was a death threat. Any time a black man speaks up there is fear in the eyes of many.
No, it was not a threat, it was a promise, that as soon as he can he is going to run away from her madness and he is going to come back home. Zion is the one that did not want to be with his birth mother; he said it as clear as he could; she is poor!  Sorry to say but he was not and is not used to that. But for the Cook County courts Judges they see that as the norm.
They see black folks as being on public aid and waiting for that link to kick in, so they said to me (it was said) what is the problem, he is used to that type of life. I stood there in shock as I said no this man did not say this to me and ten years ago I would have slapped him. No Zion is not used to that life; he does not come from a life of begging and public aid and section 8. He comes from one that only talks about education as the keys to life.
The Judge in 1806 does not have children as such she does not have a clue, she will never in her life feel the Hight that I just did, she will never be able to leave this earth with a smile as I can. I can leave today (or after I drop my son off) and I will have a smile on my face, as I know you will never see one of my boys or daughter on anyone 5, 6, or 10 pm news as the lead story.
I am going to do this as soon as I have those letters behind my name, I am going to look into the probate court system and see what the connection to these young men of color is going to jail and them. I want to show a system that is in place to set these young men up to go into the jails. Many can laugh at this but look out east at the Judge that was arrested for just that. He was seeding young black males to jail so that he can make money off them.
Now, they might not put the guns (yes, they do) into these boy’s hand, and they did not make those young men carjack that family and not cover their face and all the other crimes out here that are done at the hands of young men of color. However, what they did do was place them into the position; Zion was on his way to being the best that he can, and now he fights just to eat, to live, to sleep. 

Fear of a Black Father.

I do not understand this, I know that it is something in our minds to think that we should fear a black man, but today was just a joke to me.
I spoke with the Gal in the Adoption case, and she did not say anything to me about her motion, not one thing and I was shocked, just in shock that she had type it up and the funny part is that they adoption Judge had an order all ready. The GAL in the adoption case has not called me in months, and it is weird that I had Danielle called her twice to get that date and time for today and she did not say anything to her about her motion.
Now, they both were in shock that I, a black man knew that I had a right to see this motion before it became an order and I had a right to respond to it. They are so used to rubber stamping cases that we do not have a system of justice; we have a rubber stamp justice of just sending the black man to jail at one of the highest rates in history.
Now, the Judge also added a sentence to the GAL motion, I stood there saying to myself, did the judge ask to see her motion and added to it to make sure that it was legally sound. I am also shocked that the Judge said to me that I could not just stand there and cite statures without giving all parties a copy or reading it. As I have stood in court many times and that GAL in the probate case just cite off stuff and the Judge just sits there and say ok.
I am in shock at what is going on at the Daley center as I have never seen this, I am so used to being out at Markham, and I see how the Judges there give it to both sides. Now, I was thinking about just bringing this all to an end with one nice motion to transfer this right out of cook county up into DuPage or will county. I have to take a sit back and ask myself what is it about me that does this.
I do not speak out of hand, I do not present garbage to the court, I do not come and talk out of turn, and I sure do not disrespect the court. The Judge in the adoption case told me today that since I want to be a lawyer she will treat me like one, I wanted to say ok so let me come up here and just lie to you. Joyce talk about how all these court dates have cost her a job and how she did not want to come back to court; No, her words where she was not going to come back.
So the Judge granted her a hardship based on that fact. I ask what Job did you lose, and it was the adoption GAL that objected, and she did not want me asking Joyce those type of question. Where she worked, what job, and what time does she work, Let me think about this, she is saying that she miss work or have to take off due to court, and I cannot ask the question about these facts; Wow ok.
I have been told that I need to bring Danielle to court as that will give the case some softness as they just look at me and see a black man; wow, we are at that point that just seeing a black man fight for her son puts fear into non-black people? Do they look at me and see a unicorn or something?
I am just lost, I am lost, and I do not know what I need to do, would these people feel less fearful of me if I came to court in a dress or tone down that fact that I am a man? Why is it that a black man taking care of and being a father to his children is look down on, however when any other race does this, it is the norm? Each night the top three or four stories on the news are black man kills, or a black man being killed as such mental that is how our minds are programs. If we do not see or think of a black man doing this, it is something wrong with him.
I have reached out to some White Law school students for help as all I need is that one case law and from that I can find what I need to cite.

Thursday, July 19, 2018

The FACT in This Case 101

The FACT in This Case

IN Dec of 20006 Zion came to live with Mahdee and Danielle and their other three children.  It was a Fact that Joyce did not want Zion and it was also a Fact that she did not and could not take care of him, due to the fact that she does not know how and did not want to know how. So, during that time she would have giving him to us for a pair of pink K-Swiss.
In the summer of 2007, it is a FACT that it was Mahdee who did all the paperwork for Guardships as he did not want to adopt a baby. Once more Joyce was ok, and she signs over her rights to Zion and at the first hearing had it not been for the fact that a man named Jay Williams had not signed or added his name to the birth record that would have been the end of this issues.
So, after a hearing for about a year, the courts ruled that it was a FACT that Zion was better off with Mahdee and Danielle, as the only way that Joyce could take care of Zion was with the Help of DCFS. Now for the next five years, we had nothing but problem out of Joyce and if we had moved to another county or state that might have ended them. In 2012 Joyce was ordered to stop any more court filing she was 21, DCFS had stopped paying the legal bills that had to be about 100k unless the law firm Cap it, I do not think they would. However, the Fact was in 2012 Joyce has two hr. Window from 2-4 every other Sat to see Zion, and it was always to take place at a public place.
Next Fact Mahdee did not have any commutation with Joyce, NONE.   Joyce asks Danelle how come she was not able to come to our house or do anything with Zion and us and she was told, are you Crazy, my husband does not like you. And what did Joyce say to that, why, we are cousin? Joyce does not get it; she just does not get that all she has been to my family is nothing but trouble.
All her actions for the past 12 years have not and never been about Zion, they have and will always be about Joyce. So, for the next six years Joyce came when she wanted to and since they were so hit and miss Danielle would let her do this as to keep issues down. In that six-year time, I would be shocked if Joyce came or ask to see Zion more than 15 times a year. In that time, she never sent him or gave him anything for a birthday, or any day for that.
Zion had his phone for the past three years, and he was able to call or get calls when he wanted as we did not stop or limited when or how much Joyce could call him, she just did not do it. She lived at Mahdee mom house in 2017 and not once did she ask that Zion come over there to see her or spend time with her as once more she was doing Joyce. Zion played baseball, and he is good at it for the past six years in that time Joyce came to one game!
Now, in 2017 a lot of changes, Danielle wanted to move back down south (due to issues with her mom health and her job in Gary teaching Suck and others). Now, this was talked about, and Mahdee kept saying to just wait for their son Daniel to get out of Highschool as it was just too much going on in 2017. Mahdee was trying to work on his Ph.D. and other issues.  However, the next thing Danielle found a job in Memphis schools and wanted to move. Now, it is a fact that Mahdee did not think this was the time to do this, so he told Danielle that before they could move Zion would have got his case moved out of State. Now, Mahdee left this to Danielle, and for whatever reason, all she thought she needed to do was come to an agreement with Joyce, and that is all she did. 
So, when shit hit the payment, Joyce was evited from Mahdee mom house due to the fact that she was still selling sex, Joyce like a snake came out and was trying to use the fact that she is Zion birth mom to get something and she was told NO.  Joyce mindset was and is that as long as Mahdee and Danielle have Zion, they need and should pay her or help her, and that was not about to happen. So, it was Joyce going to court doing paperwork and not telling anyone, sending anyone anything that got us here.
It was the fact that the Probate Judge is letting Joyce do this and next letting her personal feeling cloud her Judicial judgment; that got us here. The Judge does not and cannot stand Mahdee, for only one reason and one reason only, he is a Blackman that would not let her talk down to him or talk to him like he was her child. All his paperwork was on point; it was merely a case of Judicial Misconduct bottom line.
The GAL in the probate case is One Lazy, two a racist, three a lawyer who is White. So, all the other factored do not make a difference as we live in a world that is and will always be Black and White. So, when Mahdee calls him out on this it became a personal issue that he used Zion to hurt me, he could not hurt me any other way but to used Zion. Next, he did like make do when it comes to putting a black man or black people in general into their place; I was the angry Black man. So, he painted that picture, and it sold. After all, A black man fighting for his son; and a son that is not from his seed; well, that has to be an angry black man.
Now, comes to the adoption case, this case was filed on 1-19-18 and should have made everything else STOP! It did not due to the fact that others overlook; or just said to hell with the laws; we are coming for Mahdee. It was and has not been about Zion since January of 2018 it has and will only be about Mahdee, and if I have to take this case all the way to the US Supreme court. I will as I am pro-se (do not have money, and no one is going to help a black man fight for a black male child, not even other black men!)
This case is out of hand, and it seems that no court in Cook County wants to settle this, and I am going to look at all the option on the table. I have sent out emails; fax; text and smoke signal and said to say unless Zion is killing someone or being killed by a police person no one cares about the life of a little 12-year-old black boy.  If he were 12-year-old puppy folks would be outrage; however, what is the life of a Black Boy in America worth, Not much.

Sunday, July 15, 2018


At 5:30 pm 7/15/18 and the CPD just release the video of that shooting and it goes to show what I was saying, and my mom still feels that the police were wrong. She is like many people of color; we live with so many police, judges and others that see us as nothing.  The Judge in 1806 did not see me as a person; she only saw a black man that she did not resect. She let a racist tell her who I was; I am the same man that just months ago she gave an order to so that Zion could go to Cuba and play baseball. 
I am sorry to say this, but it is a fact we live in a word that is Black and White, and I told my mom, as a man of color I know the police will kill me, so I do not fight my battles on the street I do them in court. In court, I know that there are judges like the one in 1806, so I take it to the higher court. In the end, I know that I am still a black man, I was born as one, and I will die as one; so, what I do it make sure my sons and daughter do not have to go through what I did.
I will do all that I can, and I am not going to stop with the fax, email, text, or blogs until my son is home and it will take some time to help him get over this, but he knows that I love him, and I am going to fight with him. All that I ask the Probate court was to follow the laws, Joyce did not, and this Judge should have dismissed her case. However, she did not want us to adopt Zion (I still do not know why); and she did all that was in her power to stop us.   
On February 21st in courtroom 1806 Judge Kennedy-Sullivan said to me that the goals and plans we had for Zion might not be what is right or what he wants in life. I want to ask her, Judge, a black man going to college and playing baseball and be a STEM major is not the life he wants? I guess you want him to sell drugs, become a killer or be killed as that is the life you gave him.


I hate to beat this dead horse; however, I have found these words to be so true: ‘“This problem is sometimes referred to as the thin blue line,” Emanuel said. “Other times it is referred to as the code of silence. It is the tendency to ignore. It is the tendency to deny. It is the tendency in some cases to cover-up the bad actions of a colleague or colleagues.”
As I am up doing some research for school I ended up on this page https://www.sd170.com/Domain/15, and it just makes me sick inside that Cook County Probate courts and CVLS and GAL David Matthew Gotzh killed my son dreams. CVLS gave this GAL honors for destroying another black child life, I guess that is the mission of CVLS.  I guess a young African American boy doing something and on the right path is not in the best interest of our society.
 I was up looking at the news as they are talking about how on Saturday night at79th and Essex an African America person got out of the back, (now he was in the Backseat) of a car and took off running and was shooting at the police. Now, they shot back, and I guess it is a good thing they did not shot him or anyone else. Now, let's think about that; you are in Dist 4, and you come on duty to find out that last night some little Urban Terrorist was shooting at the police, and today you stop someone in that same area, and he reach; move or whatever he did. Who is going to say that the police are going to wait to see what comes next?
So, I feel for that life of that Black man that was taken away. However, I also feel for the woman cop who shot and took his life as that had to be hard or her. Now, good shooting or a bad one, they will not be charged. Let 's face it, we as a society, do not value black lives in the first place, if we did would my son be living there?  I have been posting story after story about Judge Kennedy-Sullivan in 1806 and how she uses her position of power to do the only thing that she had the power to do and get revenge on me for my judicial complaint.  I said before, and I stand by it, I can see why she got voted no confidence when she ran for the appellate court, she did not apply the law in our case, as she let her personal feeling for me affect her judicial duty on the bench. THIS IS 100% FACT
I can say that the GAL is a racist, (as it a fact he is).  However, he is not dumb; he never wrote one reported where he asks or recommend that Zion is removed from us. That was 100% on the Judge. Sorry, I do not pray; however, the courts need to as if anything happened to Zion it falls right at the foot of this Judge, Chief Judge Evans and those that knew this Judge should never have been placed in probate.
I have a copy of each and everything that was filed in this case (the Judge let the birth mom bring her stuff and not file it), so the paperwork, in this case, will not go missing. There are laws on the book that is there to protect folks that whistle blow and I did this back in February 2018. As I have been writing to the Chief Judge and CVLS about the Judge and GAL, and I was painted as the angry black man by those that I told on. They did not deny what I was saying; they just said I was mad, No Sorry they are the ones mad!
Our son now goes to bed in a room where it feels like a prison; Zion drew me a picture, and I was told that is what he is saying, he wants some Pizza, and he is living in jail. I was told by my lawyer that I could have the best lawyer that money (that I do not have) can buy and it will not make one difference when a judge is mad and or bias. This Judge as I was told did not even try to cover what she did; her God Complex tells her that I am nothing to her as she is An all-powerful Cook County Crook Judge.
I can write and be free to say what I say. Let 's be real the judge cannot lock me up anymore, as she did that already. She said from her mouth what a great scholar our son was as she took his life from him and dropped him into a war zone (goes back to what she said to me back in FEB. I guess she did all she could to destroy him as that was her mission).  I can say they made a little KILLER! As my son is not made for Dist 4.  I taught Zion how to play baseball, read, use his mind to open doors; not to use his hands to fight. As that is as his father my job.

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Killing Block

At 5 am I was up looking at the news and talking about how on 79th and Essex an African America person got out of the back, (now he was in the Backseat) of a car and took off running and was shooting at the police. Now, they shot back, and I guess it is a good thing they did not him or anyone else. Now, let's think about that; you are in Dist 4 and you come on to find out that last night some little Urban Terrorist was shooting at the police, and today you stop someone in that same area and he reach; move or whatever he did. Who is going to say that they are going to wait to see what comes next?
So, I feel for that life that was taken away, however, I also feel for the woman cop who shot and took a life as that had to be hard or her. Now, good shooting or not she will be ok; let's face it, we as a society, do not value black lives.  I have been posting story after story about the Judge in 1806 and how she uses her position of power to do only one thing get revenge on me for that judicial complaint.  I said I before and I stand by it, I can see why she got voted no confidence when she ran for the appellate court.
So, this person that lost their life today, well do not worry he will not be the only one today as it is 9 pm and as sure as I am a black man; it will be more to leave this earth in this city before the night is over. That is a real as it can get. I love Trump as he is going to keep that foot on the head of folks in America. He is taking away all the social programs or cutting them to the point where folks are going to be jumping off the roof when they cannot get that link come August.
I can say that the GAL is a racist, (a fact he is); however, he is not dumb; he never wrote one reported where he asks or recommend that Zion is removed from us. That was 100% the Judges doing, and as I said I do not pray; however, the courts need to as if anything happened to Zion it falls right at the foot of those that sit back on there hands and do and say nothing.
I have a copy of each and every motion and fling in this case so it will be none of that we did not know. There are laws on the book that is there to protect folks that whistle blowback in February 2017 I have been writing to the chief Judge about her and he can say that I did not follow protocell all his wants, he knew about this case and this judge. So that, run and place your head in the san does not work.
MY son goes to bed in a room where it feels like a prison; Zion drew me a picture and I was told that is what he is saying, he wants some Pizza and he is living in jail. I was told by my lawyer that I could have the best lawyer that money (that I do not have) can buy and it will not make one different when a judge has their mind on being bias. This Judge as I was told did not even try to cover what she did; her God Complex tells her that I am nothing to her as she is the all-powerful Cook County Crook Judge.
I can write and be free to say what I say; as let's be real she cannot lock me up anymore then she has in the past. 


On the Ch 7 News now, they were talking about how last night someone was shooting on 79th and Essex. Now, shooting can happen anywhere in the city. However, this is the block that a (White) GAL David Gotzh said was up and coming. As all the board up buildings were signs of that.
I bet he would not bring his two children on this block, I bet Judge Kennedy-Sullivan will not come on this block; but she sent my son to live on this block; as her words; “He is an A’s student and very smart, and this is all due to Mr. Muhammad and his wife, however I am about to send him home with his birth mother”. So that I can make sure he grows up to be a little killer!  
So, I search that block; as it is where my son lives. I was told by area 4 that this was one of the hottest blocks in the city for gangs, guns, drugs, and shootings.  And Oh, my I called the police on people park outside the house making out in the car as that was a big issue for me.
I am never, and I say never in my life going to forget this as I hate to say Two White people decided that for a little black boy it was better for him to be with a person he does not have any bond with living under gunfire to grow up and have a chance at life.  DO not tell me that race does not play into this; I stood there as Judge Kennedy-Sullivan and the GAL said that they did not want Zion to call us, they did not want him to tell us what was going on where he lives. 
Chief Judge Evans needs to step down, he removed a Judge from the bench that drops a gun in a courthouse; but does nothing when a Judge sends young black children to dodge bullets and drugs. Also, I have been on that black as I am a 6’2 black man and they size me up. They first came at me with what, who and how, and once I told them the last name they knew I was not there to get that next hit.
I Call Him out, GAL David Matthew Gotzh said that he has been to her building twice and talk about how beautiful of a block it is, this is the same man that posted on Facebook about how his town mall in Hobart IN is overrun with black gang members. I guess when they live or shop in his town they are gang members, however, when they live in the city they are just up and coming.
I bet not one of them will come on this block at night, they will not sleep here, but they want to send my son there, to make me pay.  I told her to lock me up, if she is mad at me take it out on me, give me my 30 lashes; I am the father, I am the one that told on them both; so make me pay. But just like weak people they do what, they go after your child.
This has been going on since slavery; you want to put a slave in his place you take it out on his family; you sell his children away, you raped his wife and emasculated him. Well, GAL David Gotzh you said to me back in February that you and I can handle this Man to Man; well Man up and stop using my son to fight me!  

Friday, July 13, 2018

A Lawyer’s Responsibilities.

I hate to beat this dead horse; however, when I have found these words to be so true: ‘“This problem is sometimes referred to as the thin blue line,” Emanuel said. “Other times it is referred to as the code of silence. It is the tendency to ignore. It is the tendency to deny. It is the tendency in some cases to cover-up the bad actions of a colleague or colleagues.”
Now, this was said by the Mayor of Chicago as he spoke about the wall of blue that runs through the police department, the only problem with that wall is that many times it is a black and white wall also. Where it is a fact that if a Black police officer were out here doing to White men, what is being done to Black ones it would not be a wall of blue, but a lot of police lock up.
The same if for Judges, lawyer and for that doctors. Try to find one that wants to come forward and tell on the other; you go to one Dr., and they know the last one jack a person up, and they will look for each and all reason to cover it up. It true for me a member of Alpha, I have seen brothers beat a someone like a run-a-way slave and said nothing. After all, that was my brother, and I was not going to be that snitch. As what Snitches get Stitches.
So, when I think about ARDC and the Judicial Review Board and how they say that if someone from the club would come forward, they can do something, well that is an effective way of saying they do not want to do anything. There are no more Serpico and look what happened to him. So, we tend to protect those that are in the club. We tend to look the other way as to say well; I do not want anyone telling one me; well if you take an oath to do or be something, then easy do not do anything to be told on.
This Judge was and is wrong; that GAL and lawyer are dirty, and this is not their first time doing what they did; I swear to whoever that anything happens to Zion, no one can hide. They will not be able to go into a room and say I did not know, as they know. The judges know, the lawyers know; the ARTICLE VIII. ILLINOIS RULES OF PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT OF 2010 Preamble: A Lawyer’s Responsibilities.
Just as another lawyer must tell when they see, know, or think that another lawyer is doing something that is out of the lines of their professional conduct, are also duty bound to tell on a judge; however, they do not. So, when ARDC tells me how come out lawyer will not say or tell, well, that is easy, they do not want anyone to tell on them.
I get this look and shock; when someone says to me, you reported a Judge. Yes, I did. It is not like she was sitting in traffic court where her wrongdoing might cost someone money; she sits in a courtroom where her decisions can cost a child (who is black or brown) their life. So, I am not that man; I sit on my hand saying see nothing, say nothing. I see, and I told. Yes, it hurt my son and yes it has cost us a lot of money we did not have. However, I am 50 years old; I have four children; those days of me being an Alpha and not saying anything is over. I do not want my son to die to get into anything; so, I do not want someone child to die due to this GAL or Judge.
I am 100% sure that it is others out there that know about this GAL and Judge and what they have done, as clocks do not strike wrong once, no they have done this before. I can fight (as I am going to). However I need help, I need someone to get in here with me and get some of these stitches and be a snitch.  We want to stop killing in the city, well it starts by stop sitting on your hands.
You want to people to trust the police tell on dirty cops; you want to people to trust our justice system removed these judges from the courtrooms where they can do the most harm. You want the public to see something and say something; well, easy show us how it is done. I love my son with all my life, and I am going to fight for him; however, I need help; see something say something.

Thursday, July 12, 2018

The Board!

I found out that I did not win anything in MANDATORY ARBITRATION. When I left, I felt I had not proved my case. I did not have to only prove that I lost money due to Joyce actions, I had also to prove that she did this on purpose. So how could I do that and not go into her past, how could I talk about the person she is with Zion looking.  I am sorry I do not and will not do that. 
Joyce talks about us like we are nothing she tells Zion these lies about us and how we abended him and she is the one lost yesterday. Zion knows that his mom and dad love him, and we are fighting for him. We might not be getting any help, and we are not, however that is our son, and we are never going to give up on him. 
I have people saying to me, fall back; let Joyce do her, and she is going to mess up, Wow is that how they would do their own? I have a saying that not all people make good stepparents, and this is a fact. To take in a child that is not yours and treat them as if they were; that takes a lot and not too many can or have it in them. 
It is a fact that Danielle family treated Zion better than my own, they did not look at him as our cousin or someone else child that we were keeping, he was out son; he was their grandson, nephew. What was done for our other three was done for Zion. We did not buy for one and not buy for them all. Zion did not wear his bothers left over; or hand downs; I did not call him that child; I called him my son. 
Yesterday during that hearing, I made it clear that he is my son and I love him, and my life is his; he does not have to come from my seed to be my son. That is something that no Judge can take away; the Judge that sits on the Bench in Probate court said to me more than once HE IS NOT YOUR SON! For her to say that to me what does she feel about those other people that come into her courtroom?
You take in a child into your house, and you say that you are going to be more than a babysitter, you tell that child you are going to love him as you love your others. I played baseball with Zion; he got what he wanted and needed; we took family trips we did not leave him. He asks anyone about us and he said then and not that is my mom and dad. 
I hate that we have to fight for him without any help from anyone, but you know what that is good with me; no one loves or cares about Zion and his mom and dad do (his birth mom does not). I sit up each night and wonder what my son is going and who is he with. I let that young man know yesterday just with a look if he puts his hand on Zion I will take his arm; he does anything to my son he would never see the light of day. 
The GAL and Judge do not care about Zion as to them he is nothing to them; they care more about a dog in the street than a little black boy. That GAL talks about me saying that he did not think I should talk about him and call him a racist; not one time did he say that I said was a lie. He cannot say that as he did and said what he did. 
I am that dam fly that is always in your eyes, you cannot see me, but you know that I am there. Well to this GAL and Judge I am that fly. I was looking at the door in the courthouse and it read as such “ What is the Judicial Inquiry Board” The Board for short.  Well, that is who you call or write to when a judge does something or say something that is not within the standers of the law. That Judge that drop his gun was removed from the bench in 24 hr.; this judge that put a child's life in danger still sits on the bench, and I can tell you why; A dog life is more important than the life of a little black boy! 

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

opening into my case

This was going to be my opening as today we had a hearing in my civil case, as Joyce made me miss out on a job doing one of her many crazy acts. Well, I got to see my son today as for what every reason she made him come, and she told him not to look or talk to me. He sat there like he was so scared to look up.
We talk about Child abuse when it comes to everyone but Black boys. So, I ask if Zion could sit in another room as it was no way I was going to present my case with him there. I do not talk about her with him; I do not say anything about her and her life with him. I have never done it, she talks about me like a dog, and I do not agree with that so, I do not say anything to him about her, and will never do such.
She kept saying that she and I have this violence past, and I kept saying to myself what is she talking about. And if she were right, that would make all the reason in the word that she and I do not be anywhere alone? So, I just did not do the case I set out to do, and I only ask for $350, and if I get it ok and if not, I will deal with that as I have the right to object what decision they make.
But It just kills me, my son wanted to say something, and he was too dam scare to say anything, so he let me know what was going on in his way and I am in tears right now as he is living in a dam prison. It kills me as it is nothing I can do, I cannot call anyone, as no one cares; I cannot report this to anyone as we are just talking about another black boy.
So, I write about it, as this is just madness. My witness that I had there were not able to say what they wanted to say as I would not let them go into her past. She does not care about him, and she sure in hell does not love him and it so sorry that he must live in this madness. But that is my son, and I love him as if he is from me.

This was going to be my opening into my case

(The Mayor of Chicago said to best and that is why I can say that I respect him as a man ‘“This problem is sometimes referred to as the thin blue line,” Emanuel said. “Other times it is referred to as the code of silence. It is the tendency to ignore. It is the tendency to deny. It is the tendency in some cases to cover-up the bad actions of a colleague or colleagues.”
Joyce Washington is very confusing in life as she thinks that I care about her, when the truth is I do not. To me she is nothing to me, she is less than nothing and I can go on the rest of my life and never speak to her in my lifetime. I do not need anything from her and she cannot do anything to help me.
Now, she thinks that she has Zion that makes her important to me, and it does not. Zion is important to me as he is my son. She wants to talk about how she is a mom and how she is his mother and she does not have a clue as to what it is to be a mom. She knows just as much about being a mom than Susan Smith.
Zion is the key here as he looks at me and will for the rest of his life as his dad, and my wife as his mom and the mental games that Joyce is playing with Zion is a crime. Joyce has a sickness, she is every bit of bipolar. She would call, text and snapchat Zion phone like he was her man; and I would not be shocked if she does not have him sleeping in bed with her.
This very sad what has happened to this little boy and I did all that I could to protect him from that
DNA that runs through his body as no one knows who Zion real father is, as it is a FACT that Joyce was having sex for money; we can put any name on it that we want. We can say that she was trading one item for another, I do not care, what I know is that ask her who is Zion father and she cannot tell you.
The man that put his name on that birth record (Jay Williams who would be 33 or 34 today) is just as nutty as she is. I met him once and after talking to him I knew right there his thinking was one of a child. Joyce does not have a life, she does not have any type of further, she has no hopes in this life of being any more than what she is right now.
Now, the issue is that she does have Zion and she was giving Zion by a Judge that hate me due to that fact that I file a judicial complaint on her. The racist GAL who did not like that fact that I was a black man that question him and demeaned that he does his job. He talks to me as I was one of the boys in the hood and he spoke outside his lane and got upset when I put him back into it. He said to me that he and I would meet man to man and I am still waiting.
So, let's look at what got me here today; On August 15th, 2017 Joyce sent me a text about seeing Zion; she sent this to my number and I ask her who gave her my number. You see she loves to tell anyone that I have said I was going to kill her or I will do this to her, and I keep saying if a person wanted to kill you would they send you a message on talking parent?
Joyce played dumb about why Zion was down in Memphis and she came in with that I am just a poor black woman and I need help. When in fact she is a snake, she is a wolf, no she is a just a  
lira. She is and will lie about anything and she talks to people and tries to play them like they are a john on the street. I will show that her actions on January 7th, 2018 not only cost me financially, however, it also causes me mental pain. I was sick for about a week after due to her actions.)