Friday, July 6, 2018

June 29th ?

On May 31, 2018, Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan and GAL Attorney David Gotzh took Zion from us. They turned him over to someone he did not want to be with.  So, they set him on a path to be one do these young men who have a life that he does not have anything to live for, as I said killers are made and these two just made one. He did not get to say goodbye or take his toys are anything with him; he begs both to let him go home and live with the only mom and dad with tears in his eyes.
On June 29th, 2018 Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan and GAL Attorney David Gotzh order that Zion has no contact with us; no phone, no text, nothing! Why? Because they said, he tells us what is going on where he is living. They request no help for him; no type of therapy or anything.  They said that the birthmother works four days a week from 6 pm to 6 am, and no one asks her who keeps him or where he is at during that time. (if you look this case up online for some reason this date is not posted, we were in court as they put an order in for this. However, it is not showing up online).
So, when I sit here and see these stories about what our government is doing, I ask myself what about the government of Cook County?  What would make A Judge and An Attorney break the laws? Well, easy they are MAD! They are mad that I question their actions and I saw something and I said something, and this is 100% payback towards me. This has never happened in the history of the cook county probate court; what happened, in this case, has never happened in all the years of the recorded case history. So, ask yourself why it is happening now?
If I we the funds to fight this it would be an easy fight, however, we do not, so that makes it hard as justice is never free and it is not cheap. CVLS wants to say that all the GAL is doing is in the best of Zion. So is that why he did not tell the court what Zion told him, he wants to go home. This case is one for the book on the misconduct that goes on in Cook County Courts each day, and like many of the other cases it nothing will be done. My son was playing baseball this summer; he loves this and reading book, and the GAL and Judge, in this case, did not want him to do both anymore.
I am just so mad that my feeling our numb; I do not know what more can I do, I have been trying to do my best to get this case out. However, it does not sell papers or news; as Zion is not dead. It jokes that we only care about young black boys when they are dead or killing someone.

Tell me what you would do to save your son? Well, I have done what I needed to do, I did the paperwork in the courts, and the Judge would not hear it, she told me that she was not going to do anything as once more she is mad. How dare I question her, how dare I go and report her; well; easy if she were doing her job this case would be over.

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