Friday, July 27, 2018

I am 100% a Black Man

I am 100% a Black Man, and I am sorry that for many that put fear into them.  I am sorry that is just who I am. I am sorry that I do not walk around with my Azz out. I am sorry that I know how to match my ties with my suit (and look good doing it). I am sorry that I look at a man in his face.  I am sorry that I take care of my children. I do not beat their mom or women. To tell the truth No, I am not sorry. That Judge and yes, I say her name as she is not a GOD; those people down in 1806 might fear her and treat her like she is a God; she is just a Judge that was elected by the people and if enough of us vote she can be just like you and me.
She does not; I can say that with 100% she does not need to be sitting on anyone bench as she has taken this case and destroyed it. The GAL is a Racist; fact; when a man talks about young black boys and calls them “WANT TO BE GANG BANGER” he does not know those young men. How does he know anything about them? He does that because he is like many they see three black boys they are gangbangers, see 3 White ones, they are on their way to church.
That Judge Patty is a joke to the Judicial system, she stood on the bench under the seal and right out LIED! I can prove it without a doubt that she did, and you know what she said to me about that fact; she is the Judge. She is no better than Joyce, Joyce lies and that her nature; so, what do your aspect. When a person who was elected by the people does it, we have a problem.
I keep saying to people Trump cannot touch your day to day life, but these Judge can, and they will. I should have over 10k of you putting your name down to get her on the recalled this fall, but you all do not care. To you what she does might not affect you; that is until some young man put that gun into your face or comes into your house and take what you have.
Today a brother asks me what he can do to help, and I told him to call; call the Chief Judge; call CVLS, call your State Sen. (trust me they know me, all you have to say is Muhammad and the probate case). Call the Mayor, call anyone of the Cook County board members; they all know me or know about this case as I have been out here making sure they do.
They are trying to hit me in my pocket as the GAL and Judge do these dumb things in court to run our bill up as they think that is going to make me go away.  Sorry trick is for Children; I have a sold case that comes down to simple law, was the paperwork done correctly to start with, 2nd when the laws say that all other civil cases stop when an adoption starts, why did the Probate Judge tell me that she does not care.
This is not about the right or wrong it is has been a JUDICALY LYNCHING!  The Judge is trying to lynch me in the court, and she is doing it to treat me a lesson. Let me put it this way; this case comes down to the fact that I hit her with a Judicial complaint back in March and she has gone out of her way to make it seem like she was right and if I give up she thinks that put her in the clear. Well, I have each and every doc that was filed in this case, and I know what was not. I know that Joyce has not filed anything right, she takes it to the judge.
I know that Joyce has been reading my blog, I know that the GAL also has and for that the Judge might be reading it also. So, for all three you will have to Kill me for me to let you destroy My SON. I gave Zion my Word and MY Word is Bond that I Would get him Back home. This is so dumb as in one month he will be 12 and at that point, he can do what he wants.

1 comment:

  1. I will be praying for you and Zion. God go with you both. His justice will see you through. God bless you my friend. This is so wrong, and should never have happened to either of you.
