Saturday, July 21, 2018

Fear of a Black Father.

I do not understand this, I know that it is something in our minds to think that we should fear a black man, but today was just a joke to me.
I spoke with the Gal in the Adoption case, and she did not say anything to me about her motion, not one thing and I was shocked, just in shock that she had type it up and the funny part is that they adoption Judge had an order all ready. The GAL in the adoption case has not called me in months, and it is weird that I had Danielle called her twice to get that date and time for today and she did not say anything to her about her motion.
Now, they both were in shock that I, a black man knew that I had a right to see this motion before it became an order and I had a right to respond to it. They are so used to rubber stamping cases that we do not have a system of justice; we have a rubber stamp justice of just sending the black man to jail at one of the highest rates in history.
Now, the Judge also added a sentence to the GAL motion, I stood there saying to myself, did the judge ask to see her motion and added to it to make sure that it was legally sound. I am also shocked that the Judge said to me that I could not just stand there and cite statures without giving all parties a copy or reading it. As I have stood in court many times and that GAL in the probate case just cite off stuff and the Judge just sits there and say ok.
I am in shock at what is going on at the Daley center as I have never seen this, I am so used to being out at Markham, and I see how the Judges there give it to both sides. Now, I was thinking about just bringing this all to an end with one nice motion to transfer this right out of cook county up into DuPage or will county. I have to take a sit back and ask myself what is it about me that does this.
I do not speak out of hand, I do not present garbage to the court, I do not come and talk out of turn, and I sure do not disrespect the court. The Judge in the adoption case told me today that since I want to be a lawyer she will treat me like one, I wanted to say ok so let me come up here and just lie to you. Joyce talk about how all these court dates have cost her a job and how she did not want to come back to court; No, her words where she was not going to come back.
So the Judge granted her a hardship based on that fact. I ask what Job did you lose, and it was the adoption GAL that objected, and she did not want me asking Joyce those type of question. Where she worked, what job, and what time does she work, Let me think about this, she is saying that she miss work or have to take off due to court, and I cannot ask the question about these facts; Wow ok.
I have been told that I need to bring Danielle to court as that will give the case some softness as they just look at me and see a black man; wow, we are at that point that just seeing a black man fight for her son puts fear into non-black people? Do they look at me and see a unicorn or something?
I am just lost, I am lost, and I do not know what I need to do, would these people feel less fearful of me if I came to court in a dress or tone down that fact that I am a man? Why is it that a black man taking care of and being a father to his children is look down on, however when any other race does this, it is the norm? Each night the top three or four stories on the news are black man kills, or a black man being killed as such mental that is how our minds are programs. If we do not see or think of a black man doing this, it is something wrong with him.
I have reached out to some White Law school students for help as all I need is that one case law and from that I can find what I need to cite.

1 comment:

  1. God help you my both my friend. I am a white female. And as such do not have a biased point of view. I see a man and a woman fighting for their child. I find it extremely sad and heartbreaking myself. I also think that God sees it the same way. Please don't give up hope or Faith. God's Grace and Mercy is greater than anything else we have. I have some prayers that I have been praying for over 30 years, but I've also had some that have been answered within moments. God's timing is always perfect and His reason is ALWAYS sound. We don't know why ,sometimes it's to teach us, but sometimes the lesson is for someone else involved. It's always worthwhile and sure. He's NEVER FAILED ME, and He never will. He doesn't make mistakes at all. Only we do that. In the Bible it says DO NOT FEAR over 300 times for a reason. I TRUST THAT. Have a blessed day my friend.
