Sunday, July 22, 2018

(735 ILCS 5/2-101)

Ok, my head hurts as I sit up and have this talk over and over about what is this case about; so let me a non-lawyer break it down to you. 735 ILCS 5/2-101 is the CIVIL code of procedure for the State of Illinois. Now, you want to sue someone, you want to put someone out of your house, or you want to do anything in the courts of Cook County you have to do these steps first in any case that is under the civil codes.
You have to first (735 ILCS 5/2-101) make sure that you file a case in the right court and county, town or city... So, this case was in the Cook County Probate Courts that is located at the daily center in Chicago Il. Ok, Joyce got that part right, and that was the only part she got right!
Next, you have to do (735 ILCS 5/2-201) that is processed, you have to go to the clerk office and do the paperwork to bring an issue before the courts. You cannot just walk into a courtroom and say I am here. You have to file something, and you have to do this most critical part sign your name to what you are filing is not a lie or made up a story. FACT JOYCE Did not sign her paperwork; she did not date her paperwork. How did the clerk accept this; easy Joyce has played Johns for so long, she plays the victim. She tells people how Danny and I took her child, and we are worse people, and she is just a poor Black Female. So, they do not look at her paperwork.
Ok after your file your paperwork you must try, attempt to do something to get what they love to call service. (735 ILCS 5/2-202) Tells you what you must do. Now what you can do, or might do MUST do! So what does Joyce do, she does nothing, she does not send out anything. A FACT I found out that she was in court online. I was sitting on a couch talking to someone about going before the Gov of IL on my behalf, and I saw online that there was a court date in the case set for December 11th, 2018.
A fact I was to be in African, and it was an excellent chance I was not even going to be in the USA.. Now, I go on that date to find out what in the heck was going on and at that date, Judge Kennedy-Sullivan tells Joyce that she has to get service on all parties. Joyce tells her that she does not know how to reach the father, and others and the Judge tells her that she needs to find a way.
So what does Joyce do? Nothing, she does nothing, and this case keeps going on and on and on up to next the Judge has appointed a GAL in a case that should not have gone past step 1 doing paperwork.
Next, in February I get a call from GAL David Gotzh, and he and I talk on the phone about this case, and he is telling me how he does not know what Joyce is asking for, and to sum it up he does not care. He does not want to read anything; he wants this case to end. That easy a Motion to Dismiss will do that; Let me think I did one, and the Judge did nothing to it; she tables it.
Next, the GAL tells me one of the most racist things a non-black person can say to me and tops it off by telling me he is German; ok Why do I care? I guess to tell me what? So that call ends by him saying he and I will meet MAN TO MAN!
Next thing I know we have orders in place, we have hearing set, we have me being lock up by the Judge, and we have our son taking from us. And now almost $12k into this case or life is upside down. The mental abuse Zion has to deal with, what we have to deal with all started off because at step 2 service the Judge did not do what the laws tell her to do, Dismiss the case for lack of service.
The GAL has been a lawyer for nine years; the Judge has been a Judge for eight years, and both to them should know (735 ILCS 5/2-101) in there sleep; but what do they do, motion after motion to get my Appeals case toss out, motion after motion to have me lock up. This Judge has called me everything, she had spoken with the Judge in our adoption case.
Oh that right on January 19th, 2018 we file for an Adoption, we mail out service I used a special process server to give notice, we post, we did the Sheffer. We did all that we are required to do under (735 ILCS 5/2-101) and what happened last week the GAL in the adopt case did a motion to dismiss our adoptions due to what happened in the probate case.
What I say is 100% FACT, and No one cares; now up or down I am and will take this case all the way to the Illinois Supreme Court as (735 ILCS 5/2-101) is the LAW! Now, if this stand lets me tell you what, someone goes to court and does anything and do not get or attempt to get service and win and it is nothing you can do about it. That is why this case is so important. Now, I hope you understand.
In the Judge years on the Bench, how many other times has she done this? How many other times has she let a case go forward when there was no service, how many children has she discharge? Fact is if I was dumb to the laws or just back down, or did not love Zion as if he was from my seed; this would be one that we know.

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