Saturday, July 28, 2018

Lock Them Up.

JUDGE PATTY (AKA Judge Susan Kennedy Sullivan) each time talks about how mother and father have superior rights in her courtroom. She said that all the time; however, two facts; number one the father of record. Yes, there is a man who is African American name Jay Williams that would be 33-35 years in age listed on Zion birth record. He has only been giving notice in the 12-year case history, and that was back in 2007 when I paid to give him notice. In our adoption case, I have been looking for him to give him notice and I had to spend about $300 to do that.
I have not been able to find him, and if anyone knows someone that fits this, please give him my information. Now the GAL David Gotzh said that Zion was a produce of Rape! That is 100% a lie, that man did not meet Joyce until she was about seven months with Zion. Fact, when she was two months or less my family, came to me and asked me would I give my cousins money to termite the baby she had as she did not want him and was drinking and getting high while she was carrying Zion. Now in 2006, it would have cost about $300, and I told him HELL NO!
Fact Joyce was in a Catholic Hospital for Mental issues, and she wanted them to give her an abortion when they told her she was carrying a child. Now, I cannot make this stuff up as these are FACTS. Joyce hit someone in her car, and the GAL said that the damage to her car was there when she got it. He was do busy doing checks on me that he did nothing to check out anything she told him, nothing. She is in court right now being sued for that case (I spoke with the law firm on the case). It just kills me that race has come into this case and it was not by me.

From day one, the very first called with David Gotzh that he told me his background and the funny part is that yes, he is German and still has family there; but Gotzh is a Jewish name if I am correct, and he wants to be a racist. I would not care if he or the Judge was blue, all I cared about was Zion. So, when the Judge talks about father rights; on December 11, 2017, she told Joyce that she had to give notice to the father and Joyce said she does not know where or who he is. These are 100% Facts; now back to parents rights, the laws are as I keep saying yes parents have rights, as long as those right do not hurt the child. 
The State of Ill is the Best Interest of the Child State. Zion was not only removed from the school he has gone to for seven years; he was removed going into 7th grade STEM; anyone that knows education understands that 7-8th grade is the years that set a student’s high school life. He goes from a top school to one that has a ‘0” rating.  Dam I am sorry as this make me so MAD! They did not give a hell about Zion and what was Best for him. The Gal talk about how Zion told him who his best friend was since he was a child, and he cannot play with them anymore. 


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