Monday, August 13, 2018


The face of killing in the City of Chicago needs to be these two; Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan and Lawyer David Gotzh! As what they have done in the Probate Courts of Cook County has been making killers for years. These two walks around talking about how they are old school democrat, as they are just preaching old school racism. 
On February 21st, 2018 these two in courtroom 1806 told me that a young 11-year-old black boy going to college to major in the STEM and play baseball is not the right path for him. I only question what is? Do they see the killings going on in the City of Chicago as the norm?  As it keeps up the cycle of young black males going to jail or being killed
These two said on 2/21/18 how dare should this young man be in a two-parent house when that has proven only to reduce him from being shot or going out and killing. They look at him, and they wanted something different for him. These two set out on a 6-month campaign to make it happen. 
At each step of the way, they have done all that they can to kill my message and stop me. I have gone to all the powers in Cook County, only to be told let it play out first and let see.  These two have fought me in her courtroom all the way up to the appellate courts to keep this young man living in a house of drugs, killing, and crime.
This is something that has been going on for many years; as many think that killers are born, they are not. There is no DNA that makes killers; however, there are people like these two that make them. The facts are in this case as many others, as this is something that has been in going on for some time, and I am just one man trying to get this story out to the world.
If we want to stop killing in the City of Chicago (and for that case most major cities); we need to look at people like these two that do not want to see pictures of a family of five generation going to the same HBCU school.  So far 4 get their degrees there; 3 have their master (another one in the making), and two working on their Ph.D.'s.

You see this is something that Lawyer David Gotzh and Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan said they do not trust or want. The took this young Black man and turned his life upside down. Not to help him, but to make sure that Killers are made and not Born!  This is my family story as it has been 12 years of Hell trying to ask one question; 

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