Monday, August 13, 2018

The Chi-Town Way?

What is Justice? Is it justice when a man kills someone and the police, judge and lawyers all know he did it, but the gun he used is lost; so, they find a weapon like the one he used and just put it in the case to send him to jail?
Is it justice when a man does not kill anyone, but everyone in the case lies and say he did.  The judge knows that they are telling a lie, but say nothing, just to lock him up?
Is it justice when a person put their hand up, to tell the truth, and right out lies and the judge said that is ok, she does not like the other person anyone, is that justice?
Well, that is what happens to me, Joyce lied, she did not make a small lie but big ones.  Lie after lie, and the Judge told me “she does not care; she does not trust me”! Now, the Judge has lied, the GAL has lied, and Joyce yes told many lies; however, I still stand there looking for lady justice to come out from behind the door.
I was told (I joke not) that it is ok a judge and lawyer to lie as they are the judge and lawyer. Wow, how many black men are lock up or doing life, because it is ok for judges and lawyers to lie?
I stood before Judge Susan Kennedy-Sullivan on May 14th, 2018 and she told the GAL David Gotzy to make sure that he files that; he told her he did. Now, what was she talking about? Well, two days later he submits something saying that he mailed me something a week ago and he did not. I was told no big deal as that is how things are done. WHAT? I do not get this, how are the laws or lady justice one way for them and another way for me?
Joyce has change paperwork, she had changes dates and got away with it. It has been easy, as she gives it to the Judge, and it never has a change of custody as the Judge has said she got it on a date that she did not, but no one asks her any questions about it.
I have paperwork that is dated on a date; it has facts in it that I know for 100% fact that Joyce did not have those facts on that date.  Joyce has been able to get away with this for only one reason. The Judge lets her! I want to ask you, what are the laws of Justice and how did they get so gray when it comes to judges?
I do not think one thing is going to be done to this judge, as she has broken the law.  The Gal has broken the law, and Joyce is just crazy; but also broke the law. If I go into that courtroom and do the same, I would be locked up. Let me say that it was eight orders that Joyce said to hell with. So I file a motion to show cause.
It was the GAL and Judge that told me to stop filing motions because they would never see the light. Let them say  I did not obey an order (that I was never giving) and what does the Judge do to me? She locks me up right on the spot.
So, I ask this once more what does Justice look like in Cook County? Do not think I cannot prove all that I say, as I can. That is the crazy part; no one cares as they say that is the Cook County Way.
Only Black males go to jail. I want to ask how many people has this Judge sent to prison or lock up, by using fake or change paperwork? How many times has Lawyer David Gotzh done this; as they both have been covering up the lies told by Joyce and the Judge told me, who cares She is the JUDGE!

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