Thursday, August 16, 2018

Just US

I woke up, and this story was in the news, and I often wonder when a person snaps what the reason for it is? Another lawyer was killed as this has been the 2nd in two days. This time one was from Hobart Ind. The reason why this story caught me as because GAL David Gotzh lives in Hobart and his background is divorce, and we all know that divorce lawyers are hated by many. So, I brace myself when this story crosses my screen.
Well, it was not David as I am sure he has lied as well to many clients that he has, and for whatever reason, it seems just to come naturally. That is why I stand there in shock when he gives me that dumb look, he does not understand that unlike the woman he stands there and defends, I am not going to do anything to him, but try to have him removed from doing any more work as a GAL.
If someone wants to hire him that is on them, they get what they pay for and if they do not take the time to check him out that is also on him. I read the reviews on him before I spoke with him; I investigate the Judge before I walk into her courtroom. That is why I was not shocked at what they did; he was said to be a lazy lawyer who does not want to work and does not understand the law, he cites laws that do not apply.
 The judge does not have a clue about probate court and what she did in the order of protection case was dead wrong. I am just in a position where I cannot hire or find a lawyer that wants to work for me and not just work for a paycheck. I want a lawyer that wanst see justice, as it is not there as we have a system that is not about justice for people of color. We have got to the point where many think we live in a colorblind world and we do not.
Race is such a big part of this case, and it kills me that Zion is the one that must pay for the hate that these two have for me. I ask myself where this hate come from, as I have not done anything to these two but did what the laws say I should do. I give them respect even at the point where they stood in court laughing at my wife and me about the fact how they are going to try and bankrupt us in this case.
I am tired of fighting, as I stand by myself, but the fight I must do.  I cannot let the streets take Zion; I cannot let him go down that rabbit hole and just become another number or another black man with a number on him. We work too hard to give him a chance at life and for a black man that is all they need, just a chance. He is not going to get anything free in life, as he is going to have to work for everything, that is the reason we have done all we can to give him a chance.
Zion born day in this Monday and it was also the first day he should have been starting STEM, but he is going to have to be educated in that street life. I was told that Joyce is having a party for him and I can only guess about this, as I am sure it is not one for him, but one for her. After all, they are about the same age from a mental standpoint; well let me take that back, he might be a year or more ahead of her. Fact is that they are both on the same mentally thinking line.
Just like the killing in the city had not stopped, we do not hear about it on the news, what I am doing has not stopped, I do not post about it as much. I am not going to let this story go away, the fax, emails, and flyers are not going to stop. This is going to be a way that I have said from day one I am in it for the long haul as I need one person to investigate this case and care about justice as it was not in this case.

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