Monday, August 27, 2018

The Laws!

We have a system of laws that work when they are applied.  I do not look to blame the laws for what I am going through as they are apparent it is when you have people in the position that put their personal feelings into the mix where things go wrong. Case in point Joyce and I had our trial today over the fact that last January 7th, 2018 she did one of the crazy acts and it cost me a job. Now I sue her to get the money that I lost, and the burden was on me.
I had first to show that Joyce action was on purpose and 2nd I had to show that due to her actions I lost money. Now, the judge that was to hear the case is one of the best; he is an old-school White guy from way back. But he is very fair, and he knows the laws and that is how he runs his courtroom 207. So today I had the person there to show what she did, I did not have the person there to show that he and I had an agreement for me to do some work for him and get paid. Now, a fact I cannot show or prove that I lost money unless I can bring into evidence someone to prove this.
Now, I will not say anything about the person that I have known since I was in high school and how all he needed to do was come and tell the truth. I won't talk about how I cannot get folks to come to court and tell the truth; however, Joyce can get them to go and lie all day. That goes to show a lot about what and who and how. As I am the man that you can call late at night and need help and I will come; oh I guess that only goes one way. So, well I lost the case as I should have as I did not meet my burden to prove.
Now, what gets me is this Joyce said that she and I are families and she does not get why I would have someone else drop off Zion during that time and how we had temporary custody of him for over 11 years. Well, that beside the fact that she is CRAZY as a fruitcake and needs to be in a room next to her mom. Now, before that case, I was in court over the fact that I gave her and her Aunts my money to for my Uncle remains to handle and now Joyce is saying that I should not get my money back. Also, that I just gave the money because I wanted to; yes I am just that type of person and if they were not trying to sue the home that they said hurt him that money would be in the wind; however, it is not, and I should get my money back.
Now, Gal David Gotzh feels that I should not get my money back, in fact, he told Joyce to have the lawyers, in that case, fight me to get it back. The Judge in the probate case also feels that I should not get my money back. Now both do not have a clue to the laws of the land as if that probate case was in courtroom 207 in Markham Zion would be coming home today telling me about his day at the STEM. But he is sitting up somewhere we do not know what some man that we do not know.
So, yes, the laws do work, and they might not be fair, but they are the laws for a reason. I lost today because I did not prove my case, Joyce has Zion for only one reason the GAL and JUDGE! They both had so much hate inside of them for the Smart-Ass N-Word that they let that hate to take over. The Chief Judge could have stepped in and set things right, but he wants to let this play out. It seems that all the folks that are powers that be wanting to let this play out and in the End who gets hurt? Zion. Joyce if you and I are so much family why did you not let Zion calls us for his birthday, if we are family why did you not let Stacie give him his gifts; well I can tell you all why; she is full of BS and was just putting on that show for the court today.

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